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D E C E M B E R 1994, T H E B U R R O W

"Happy Christmas!"

Molly Weasley stood at the front of the long dining table, a smile spread large across her lips. The entire family was not present, as they all stayed behind at Hogwarts to attend the Yule Ball, but Molly had both Bill and Charlie at her Christmas dinner and for that, she was extremely happy.

Typically, Molly would be upset if the kids chose to remain at Hogwarts, but the Yule Ball was a special feast and Molly was glad that her kids could attend and experience the formal dance. 

"So, Charlie, how has work been? I know your sanctuary assisted with producing the dragons for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament?" Arthur finished chewing before he questioned his second eldest son. He took a sip of some of the firewhiskey that was in his glass with a smile on his face. Arthur and Molly typically did not keep the liquor around the home but because it was the holidays and they were having dinner with their two eldest sons, it seemed to be an appropriate occasion for the liquid treat.

"It's been great, Dad." Charlie leaned back in his chair and smiled towards his father before glancing over at Molly. He could see the worry written all over her face.

"Both of my boys," She sighed, dabbing at eyes with the corner of her napkin. "You both work such hard, dangerous jobs. I just worry is all." She sniffled before waving her hand around. "Let's not talk about it. It's Christmas. Finish your plates. We've got dessert!"

Dinner finished without further issue or talk of dangerous jobs. Molly and Arthur gave Bill and Charlie their gifts – homemade sweaters with their first initial knit into the front. The Weasley kids were always so grateful for their Mum and her thoughtfulness. Bill, must his parents chagrin (especially Molly), could not stay too late. He took the floo network back to Gringott's. He was being sent to an undisclosed location in the early morning hours and needed to be prepared.

Charlie, though, agreed to stay until morning. Hugo had given him the go-ahead to take two days of leave to spend with his parents. He graciously took the offer and had already decided to try and see Adelaide and Tonks while he was home.

After finishing a nightcap with her father, Charlie got changed into a flannel pajama set and found his way back downstairs to sit by the fireplace. He was surprised to hear other voices and even more surprised when he came face to face with Faustus and Adele Corden.

"Charlie!" Adele beamed, moving to cup the young man's face and kissing both of his cheeks in her natural greeting. "It is so wonderful to see you. You look well!"

Charlie smiled, reaching forward and shook Faustus Corden's hand. "It's great to see you both." He said with a nod. He glanced around them, a part of him hoping that he would see Adelaide stepping out of the green flames. But she was not there. And he could tell something was off by the look on Adele's face as she spoke in a hushed tone to Molly.

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