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A U G U S T 1997

The day of Bill and Fleur's wedding had finally arrived. After the ceremony and well into the reception, and both were perfect in every way, Adelaide found herself mingling around the tent with a goblet of elf wine, filled to the brim, in her hand. She just got over listening to Fred and George rant about steering clear of their Aunt Muriel. As she eyed the left side of the tent to see if her parents were at their table, she spotted the wretched woman herself. And judging by the irate expression on the older woman's face, Adelaide knew Fred and George were not overexaggerating.

With another sip of the wine, something she had not indulged in since the passing of Sirius, the healer moved through the crowd to her designated table. A soft smile appeared on her lips as she glanced at the place card that was beside hers. Charlie Weasley.

She knew that this was all Fleur's doing. Bill probably had something to do with it, as well. Fleur's mastermind plan to get them together seemed to be working, so it was only fair that she would sit them together. Not that Adelaide was complaining.

As she took her seat and another sip of the wine, Adelaide set her glass down and let out a soft sigh. Today was a happy day. And she refused to think, or feel, otherwise. Her eyes roamed around the tent, watching people catch up with one another, dancing and laughing without a care in the world before her gaze finally found the one person she had been looking for.

Charlie was standing beside Arthur and Bill, his head thrown back and wild laughter escaped from between his lips. That was the Charlie she knew. The Charlie she lov-liked. The Charlie she liked. His smile made her smile. His happiness was like a parasite – forcing its way into her system and destroying the darkness within her. The feeling of security that he offered her was more than she could have ever asked for. She knew from their conversation the night they brought Harry to the burrow that her safety was important to him – just as it was to Sirius.

It was hard to not think that Charlie was just protecting her out of the kindness of his heart and that there were no other feelings involved. What if he was just protecting her because of a promise he had made to Sirius before he died? She didn't want, nor need, his pity.

Once their eyes met, Charlie excused himself from his brother and father and made his way to Adelaide. The look in his eyes as he approached her made Adelaide believe that it was not pity that he felt towards her, but something else. Something stronger, something deeper.

"Can you believe my big brother has officially tied the knot?" Charlie teased, his hand resting on Adelaide's shoulder, gently brushing his thumb over her soft, bare skin.

The feeling of his calloused skin brushing against her sent shivers down her spine and Adelaide quickly grabbed her goblet of elf wine, downing a rather large gulp before turning to look at Charlie as he took his seat next to her.

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