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*~* Trigger Warning: description of death, but nothing graphic *~*

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*~* Trigger Warning: description of death, but nothing graphic *~*


J U N E 1995

Happiness can only last for so long. True, genuine happiness – that is. February turned into March. March turned into April. April turned into May. May turned into June. Adelaide spent more time at 12 Grimmauld Place than she did her own flat. She was fine with it, of course. Sirius was still in hiding – so it was not like he could come to her place every once in a while. It was tough, but the genuine joy she got from spending time with him made up for the secrecy she was intertwined with when it came to where and who she was spending her time with.

After hearing that the final task in the Triwizard Tournament was open to the public for attendance, Sirius and Remus talked to Adelaide about attending with the Weasley's so she could be there for Harry. Adelaide, of course, agreed right away. She did not need to be pressured or begged to say yes. It gave her a chance to see her father as he would also be in attendance.

The second Hogwarts champion – Cedric Diggory – also lived nearby in Devon, and she had heard her father speak of his father, Amos.

"I wish you could come with me. You know, you could...maybe?" She finished pulling her hair back in a braid, turning to look at Sirius who was standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"You know that's not possible, love. Especially not at that school. It's just too risky." He sighed softly. It pained him that he had to be this secret stowaway. He wanted more than anything to be there for Harry... To be with Adelaide.

"Not even as our furry little friend?" She teased, walking over to Sirius before she pressed her lips against his cheek in a soft kiss.

"I think that would bring more attention." He admitted, shaking his head. He wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her into his chest before catching her lips in a soft, gentle kiss. She giggled and tried to escape his grip, her hands smacking his chest playfully.

"I hate when you're right, you know." She finally let up, wrapping her arms around his neck before she leaned up to kiss his lips back.

"Get a room, you two." Remus called from the first floor. The ex-professor decided to spend the night with Sirius, so they both had someone to pass the time with until they found out the results of the tournament – courtesy of Adelaide, of course.

"Mate, we have plenty of rooms to chose from." Sirius called back, a devious look spreading across his face as his hands slipped down and grabbed Adelaide's backside roughly.

A gasp escaped her lips as she smacked his chest again. "Hands off, Sirius! I'm running late already!" She squealed, wiggling out of his grasp and floating down the staircase towards Remus.

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