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D E C E M B E R 1993, H O G W A R T S

Adelaide was not sure how much time had passed since she arrived back at her room from the outing in Hogsmeade. She was sitting, cross-legged, in front of the fireplace in her room, warming herself up. The letter from Charlie laid delicately on her bedside table. She was contemplating responding to him, but she had no clue where to begin.

After all, she was still angry at him. Though – there was a small part of her who felt like she may be acting a bit dramatic. She could have visited him. She could have answered at least one letter. Right? Maybe Charlie was not the only one in the wrong in this situation.

Once she felt the feeling back in her fingers and toes, Adelaide changed into more comfortable clothing. She grabbed the darkest colors she could find. If she was going to successfully sneak out of the castle and bring Sirius food at the shrieking shack, she had to look the part. Part of what? She didn't really know.

She sat at her desk, scribbling onto the parchment before her. It had taken a few rough drafts, but after an hour she was satisfied with the letter she had written back to Charlie. She made sure to keep her emotions, most of them, out of it, and kept it short and sweet. She folded up the parchment, stuck it into an envelope, scribbled Charlie's name on the front before sealing it completely.

During the past hour, she also had come up with the plan on how to get to the shrieking shack undetected. There was still a soft light across the horizon, but the sun was slowly setting. She grabbed her robes and an extra cloak, layering herself up because she was sure it would be much colder out at night without the warmth of the sun. She had charmed her bag with an invisible extension charm, ensuring the ability to gather as much food as possible to give to the murderer who escaped Azkaban.

After slipping out of her room and heading towards the owlery, she sent her letter to Charlie off and soon slipped back out to head down towards the kitchens. Luckily, the corridors had been empty. It was already dark outside, and curfew was beginning in a few minutes so she knew she would be in the clear.

Once she got to the kitchens, she was able to get through the portrait door, slipping in and greeting the house elves.

Pippin, an energetic elf that had been there since Adelaide was a first year, ran forward. "Mistress Corden! Oh, we has missed you."

Adelaide giggled, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh Pippin! How are you? I've missed you, as well." She knelt by the elf and watched them all scatter around, still cleaning up from dinner.

"Can I grab a few things if it's no trouble?" Adelaide knew they would not ask questions. All throughout her time at Hogwarts, she used to raid the kitchens after every Gryffindor quidditch match with Charlie and Tonks. Charlie would hop up onto the counters, usually still hurt from whatever quidditch affliction he had that game, and munch on some muffins while Adelaide moved around him, healing what she could with just her wand. As the elves got things together for her, Adelaide found herself smiling fondly at the memories.

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