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Adelaide had to beat Sirius off her with an imaginary bat to get away and prepare herself for the night. She decided to skip lunch, she really was not terribly hungry anyway.

It most certainly was not because she was unsure if Charlie was still around or not.

As Sirius walked off, joining the rest of the house downstairs for lunch, Adelaide walked into her lab to pick up the vials of wolfsbane. She dropped them off to Remus in his room before heading back to the room she shared with Sirius to start preparing.

She did not have many options but decided to get a bath and relax before having to worry about that nonsense.

Slipping into the bubble bath she had drawn for herself, Adelaide let out a deep sigh as the hot water started working against her muscles. She knew she couldn't enjoy herself too much tonight. Work had been extremely taxing lately and she knew that she would not want to be exhausted for her shift tomorrow.

She had to remind Sirius that Harry and Arthur had an early day, as well – tomorrow marking the start of his disciplinary hearing at the Ministry. But she did agree with him. They all needed a night to relax. To forget about what was most likely to come in the weeks, months, and years to follow.

War. Loss. Death.

Adelaide shook her head, trying to rid her mind of the dark images it concocted at the thought of what the future might hold. She had been so busy worrying about everything that she lost track of time and realized that by the time she snapped out of it, her skin was pruned and the water cold and was slowly draining through the stopper lodged at the bottom of the porcelain tub.

Washing herself quickly, choosing to forgo cleaning her hair (after all, she could use simple magic to fix that) she stood from the tub and cast a quick drying charm before wrapping herself in a warm towel. Softly making her way to the bedroom, Adelaide let the towel drop before she slipped on a clean set of undergarments and a white, silk robe that Sirius had gifted to her.

She certainly was not used to being showered in gifts the way Sirius liked to do. Sometimes she thought he was trying to spoil her simply because he had twelve years of his life taken away from him. He had the ability to be in a normal relationship taken away. Adelaide knew it may have been a bit selfish, but she was almost glad that things happened the way that they did.

If Sirius had never been imprisoned, if he never had escaped, she probably would have never met him. Atleast not the way that they had met. Sometimes it was hard for her to believe that things happen for a reason.

She always enjoyed doing her makeup the muggle way. Andromeda had taught her how to do so at a young age. The woman was happy to pass along the skills she had learned from spending time with the muggle-born family of her husband, Ted. After all, Tonks was not really interested in make up so she couldn't do it with her.

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