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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains sexually explicit material. Enjoy ;)

A P R I L 1998

The first day of May was just around the corner and Adelaide found herself worried about whether Harry, Hermione, and Ron were okay. There had been absolutely no communication with the trio and this absolutely broke Remus, now one of the only remaining fatherly figures in the boy's life, so naturally he felt compelled to do whatever he could to honor the love and friendship he had with his father, James, and ask Harry to be Teddy's godfather. He told Tonks he knew Harry would accept with no questions asked, even without meeting his godson beforehand.

Adelaide could not have agreed more on Remus' decision. Harry was an excellent choice and to be quite honest, she told Tonks that if Remus had chosen anyone else her acceptance of being offered the role of Godmother would have been extremely different.

"How is the babe?" Fleur looked up from her steaming mug of tea, a small smile appearing on her lips.

"He is wonderful. Truly. He is the sweetest little thing and has me wrapped around his little finger already." Adelaide sighed happily at the thought of little Teddy. It left her awestruck at the constantly changing looks of a baby. Being a metamorphagus aside, the looks of a newborn baby are always changing. One day, Teddy looked like his mother and the next, his father. It was remarkable.

"Have you ever thought of children, Adelaide?" Fleur pried as nonchalantly as possible.

The blonde peered up at the girl across from her, a laugh escaping her lips. "Fleur, you know you are as subtle as...well, as subtle as your Mum-in-law." Adelaide started playing with the ends of her hair that Fleur had tied back in a braid for her earlier in the day.

"Yes, well, maybe that's why we clashed so much in the beginning of my relationship with Bill." Fleur admitted with a laugh. "You didn't answer my question."

"Of course, I've thought of children. Not as much now as I did before, though." The healer sighed before getting up to clean out her mug that was now empty.

"You mean, you've thought of children with Sirius but not with Charlie?"

Adelaide sighed. She glanced over at the clock, realizing it was too early for this type of interrogation, but it was also early enough that they had some more time alone without the men waking up and making their way down into the kitchen.

"That's not it." Adelaide replied, scrunching up her nose a bit at the insinuation that she didn't want children, or a life, with Charlie. "I love Charlie. With all my heart, and I have done so for so many years. Since we were kids ourselves, really." She found herself smiling at the memory of when she finally figured out what she felt for Charlie was love.

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