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*~* TRIGGER WARNING: torture (use of an unforgivable curse) *~*

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*~* TRIGGER WARNING: torture (use of an unforgivable curse) *~*


J U N E 1996, D E P A R T M E N T O F M Y S T E R I E S

One moment. That was all it took. Sirius took his eyes off the fight before him to search out Adelaide once he heard Charlie calling her name. Because of his actions, Bellatrix was able to shoot a spell directly to his chest. The force was strong enough to knock him back but not harm him.

Unfortunately, he did not take into consideration the veil being behind him. He slipped backwards, beginning to feel the effects of entering the veil as a living, breathing thing. His eyes became wide, but he did not look scared. Before drifting up and away, he locked eyes with the woman of his dreams across the way. He so desperately wanted to reach out and tell her it would be ok – but as his hands reached forward, he entered the veil completely.

One moment. One moment, and Sirius black was no longer in the land of the living.

"NO!" Adelaide's voice rang out, echoing against the walls around her. "Sirius!"

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she began rushing forward, grabbing her wand to point at Bellatrix. One the other side of the room, Remus was clutching Harry tight to his chest. Harry was crying. He was screaming. Just like Adelaide was.

Charlie was able to catch up with Adelaide, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her back. He stayed silent, knowing no words were not going to change how Adelaide was feeling right now. He could feel her body shaking in his arms, and her tears leaking from her eyes were streaming so fast down her cheeks that they were now dripping onto his forearms.

Adelaide didn't know what to focus on. She watched Bellatrix, that murderous bitch, slink away in the shadows with a large smirk on her face. "I'm going to kill her." Adelaide cried, the sobs beginning to rack her entire body as she shook in Charlie's arms.

Remus and Charlie made eye contact and with silent nods started walking closer to one another.

"SHE KILLED SIRIUS! SHE KILLED HIM – I'LL KILL HER!" Harry was still screaming, fighting against Remus' protective grasp. As Remus began dragging him back, further and further away from the veil, he looked to Charlie.

"We have to get them both out of here."

Charlie nodded, "They're both hysterical. There's no way of them not getting splinched if I try to disapparate them back to Grimmauld Place."

Both Charlie and Remus made the mistake of loosening their grip on the two heartbroken souls. One moment is all it took. One moment and both Harry and Adelaide – side by side – began rushing after Bellatrix.

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