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*~* A/N - I could stare at this man

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*~* A/N - I could stare at this man....all....day....long.... The End. *~*


J U L Y 1995, R O M A N I A

Charlie felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he continued reading over the letter from his father. A part of him felt like maybe his dear old dad was yanking his chain. Lord Voldemort could not possibly be back. Right?

Folding the letter up and stuffing it into the envelope before dropping it back into the open drawer of his dresser. Charlie grabbed his t shirt from the back of the chair and tugged it on over his head. He had already wasted most of his morning reading the letter and needed to grab a quick bite to eat before his day.

Arthur wrote about Adelaide being there, about being with Harry when it all went down with Crouch. That just, to him, did not seem like the Addy he knew. She never rushed into dangerous situations like that. She always had her head in a book. Not like that bothered him. He loved Adelaide just the way she was.

Sitting back down at his desk, Charlie penned a quick letter to Adelaide requesting that she tell him what was going on with her. He made sure to mention that he was worried about her, but almost banished the ink thinking that his confession of worry would make her angry.

At this rate, it probably did not matter much. She would probably never respond to his letter.

"Charlie! You awake in there?" Hugo pounded his large feet up the staircase of Charlie's cabin, looking for his friend.

"Yeah, in here." Charlie called out, sealing the envelope, and walking over to his window where his beautiful, brown owl named Clem – short for Clementine – stood perched tall and proud. A soft hoot escaped from Clem's beak as Charlie handed her a soft treat, let her eat it, before he handed her the letter with a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Sending a letter back home?" Hugo stepped into the room, looking over to Charlie with a grin.

"Yeah. A lot went down at the final task of the tournament. A kid died, Hugo. I mean... merlin..."

Hugo let out a sigh, dropping a copy of the Daily Prophet down on Charlie's desk. "Moira just came back from visiting her Mum. Grabbed us a few copies of this." He gestured to the story about the tournament, Barty Crouch jr, and everything else that transpired on that fateful night on June 25th.


J U L Y 1995, 12 G R I M M A U L D P L A C E

"We're going to need all the help we can get."

Remus stood tall at the head of the dusty table stationed in the dimly-lit room of 12 Grimmauld Place. His fingers tightly latched onto the back of the chair he was standing behind.

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