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Adelaide projected her voice, gently pointing her wand towards the boggart in the form of a Dragon. A bloody, fucking dragon. Of course that is what the boggart would turn into. She wasn't bloody afraid of those creatures. She wasn't afraid of any creature, really.

Once the spell was released from the tip of her wand, the large dragon shifted until it shrunk down, just a bit, in size and turned into a canary. The bird fluttered around singing a gentle song, and a few students let out laughter at this.

"Very well done, Ms. Corden." Remus smiled warmly, gesturing for her to step aside.

Adelaide let out a sigh, stepping off to the side to watch the rest of the students take their turn.

It was soon the time for Harry Potter to step forward. Adelaide could not even comprehend what was happening because it happened so fast. Harry's boggart seemed to take shape in the form of shape of a dementor.

The room quickly grew silent. In the blink of an eye, while the boggart lurched forward and Harry stumbled back, Remus stepped in front of the boy and now the boggart assumed the form of what Adelaide took as a full moon, lurking behind a set of dark clouds.

"Riddikulus!" Remus shouted, and just as soon as the moon started to rise higher above the clouds, it turned into a balloon and danced across the air letting out a loud puff of air.

Again, the class erupted in laughter.

Remus banished the boggart back into the cabinet and dismissed class. Adelaide stayed behind, noticing the way Remus eyed Harry – almost as if to make sure he was not in any distress.

Once the room was free from the students, Remus turned to look at Adelaide with a smile.

"Well," He began, clearing his throat. "That turned ugly far sooner than expected."

Adelaide frowned, "Yes, it did. But I guess that is the chance you must take when learning about boggarts. Nasty little buggers, they are." Adelaide sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the desk beside her.

"I think some fears are unexpected, Professor." She spoke up again, now picking at the nail polish on her fingernails as Remus gathered some documents on his desk. She had already completely forgotten that she was supposed to be gathering supplies from Professor Snape. Now after seeing boggart Snape dressed like Neville's grandmother, she wasn't sure she would be able to keep a straight face or not.

"What do you mean by that?" Remus inquired.

"Well, for starters, I am confident in saying that I am not afraid of dragons. Now, I have never come into contact with a dragon but it has never been something that I have sat down and thought about being in fear of." The blonde shrugged her shoulders as she continued, "I mean, is that normal?"

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