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J U L Y 1986, T H E B U R R O W

"Mum, I'm thirteen!" Adelaide huffed loudly. The air that had escaped her lungs sent the bangs resting on her forehead up in the air.

"Yes, I understand that." Adele Corden peered up over the rim of her glasses, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she watched her daughter pace back and forth in front of their fireplace.

Adelaide was begging to take the floo, by herself, to The Burrow. Charlie had invited her over to lunch and to possibly go swimming in the lake nearby. Adelaide was ecstatic about the invitation, even though she was extremely nervous. She had spent time at The Burrow before, but her parents were always around.

"But just because you're thirteen does not mean you can take the floo alone!" Adele continued, folding the copy of The Daily Prophet she had been reading and setting it back down on the coffee table.

"It's not like I can get lost, Mum! I'm not flying on a bloody broom, I'm taking the floo!" Adelaide cried, her hands flying up in the air out of frustration.

"Don't speak to me with that tone, young woman." Adele watched her daughter with a glint of amusement in her eyes.

"Sorry." Adelaide sighed, chewing back her lower lip for a moment. "Mum, please. I'll be fine, I promise. I know the rules. Speak loud and clear and I'll have no problem getting to the burrow!"

Over the past year, Adelaide began to feel a bit different towards Charlie. Maybe it was how tall he shot up in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Or maybe it was the way that he filled his clothes out more. Especially now that he had been seemingly playing more quidditch with his older brother, Bill.

Of course, she had never spoken a word of this to anyone. Not a single soul. Not even her other best friend, Tonks.

Adele was still watching her daughter trying to state her case. An amused smile forming on the matriarch's lips. In all honesty from the start, Adele had known she was going to allow Adelaide to travel alone. She liked to tease her daughter and it was all in honest, harmless fun.

Adelaide was pacing back and forth again, explaining to her mum as to why she was old, and mature, enough to take the floo by herself. Another ten minutes had passed by before Adele spoke up again.

"Are you finished?"


Adelaide looked over at her mum, her eyes widening just a bit.

"You're going to end up being late for lunch. And you know Mrs. Weasley would like for you to be on time."

"Wait..." Adelaide started to smile, "Does that mean I can take the floo by myself?" she all but screamed.

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