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"Addy? It's time to wake up, come on."

At the sound of her name and a gentle shove against her shoulder, Adelaide rolled over and let out a groan. The spot on the bed beside her was already cold to the touch.


Slowly opening her eyes, she was expecting to see Charlie standing over her, but it was actually Percy. He looked confused and a bit upset.

"Perce?" Adelaide shifted to sit up, making sure the blankets were pulled up to cover her bare legs. "What's wrong? Where's Charlie? What time is it?" The blonde started riffling off questions, blinking a few times and looking around to see what was going on around her. The curtains hanging around the bed, for privacy reasons, were tied back on one side so all she could see was Percy standing there.

"I'm so sorry, Addy." Percy began, sucking in a quick deep breath. "I..." He sighed and slowly handed her the folded letter that he had been holding behind his back. "This was addressed to you, and I read it. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to read it."

Adelaide raised a brow but took the letter from his hands. "What are you talking about?" She shifted a bit more up in the bed, opening the parchment and glancing down at the writing. It was Charlie's, she recognized it, too, from the moment she saw the word 'dragons'.

It was like everything around her stopped progressing forward in time. Her hands froze as she clutched the parchment and her eyes scanned the letter over, and over, and over again.

What was this? Was this some kind of joke? Where was Charlie?

"I don't understand..." She whispered, though the feeling of uneasiness started taking over as her stomach churned and her chest started feeling tight.

"He left?" She looked at Percy. "W-Why would he do that? In the middle of the bloody fucking­ night?" Her voice was started to waver, tears brimming at her ears as she pushed the blankets off from her legs and stood up.

Out of respect for her state of undress, Percy turned around and crossed his arms over his chest.

"There's a letter for our Mum, too. I think he went to Romania to that sanctuary he had been talking about." Percy explained, squeezing his eyes shut as he heard Adelaide rush around behind him, the shirt going flying in the air past his head as she pulled her dress from the night before back on.

"I got that much, Percy." She snapped angrily. Reeling herself back in, she took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't snap at you. I'm angry." She let one hand rest on the side of Percy's face before forcing a smile. "And not at you." She finished, slipping her feet back into her sandals before she snatched the letter up again and before Percy could blink – Adelaide escaped the dormitory and fled down the stairwell to the common room.

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