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J U L Y 1997

This summer started with disaster, just like the summer before it. Adelaide had struggled with the memory of that night in the Ministry. The look of peace in Sirius' eyes as he floated away from her, forever.

After Dumbledore's funeral, Adelaide busied herself with working at St. Mungos. And when she wasn't working, she was dividing up her time between her parents, Charlie, Remus, and Tonks.

Tonks. The metamorphaghus had just announced to her and Charlie that she was pregnant. Adelaide cried. She cried hard. She had been so happy for her best friend and Tonks was relieved in knowing that this baby was already so loved by everyone around his, or her, parents. The same night Tonks told them the good news, Adelaide was so excited and interested in hearing everything about the pregnancy that she stayed well past her welcome – Remus could be heard clearing his throat every few minutes from the hallway until she finally gathered her things and headed home.

Currently, though, she was pacing the doorway of the burrow. They were all preparing to travel to Harry to move him from the Dursley's home to the Weasley's.

"Will you stop doing that?" Charlie groaned from his station in the living room. He looked up from the latest copy of the Daily Prophet before closing it and tossing it over to the coffee table.

"I can't help it. I'm worried. What if we should just move him tomorrow morning? Maybe they'll be less likely to attack. And after all, we don't know if they have a clue about when we're moving him...unless..." Adelaide began to think of Severus, though with a quick shake of her head, she pushed those thoughts out and turned to face Charlie. "Sorry, you know how I get when I'm worried."

Charlie smiled. "Yes, I do. Now you should know to listen to me when I say you can relax. Everything will be ok. And I know you're a bit miffed that you're staying here but..." his voice trailed off for a moment as he tried to think of the right words to say. How could he tell her that it was important that she stay here, safe, and completely out of harm's way, so she could be prepared to heal those who arrived wounded?

Charlie knew better than to think positive thoughts about this. In all honesty, he really was not looking forward to drinking the Polyjuice potion. He never tried it before but had talked to Ron and Hermione about it and judging by the way they described the taste; it would not be pleasant by any means.

"But you need me here to be ready to heal whoever is bloody dumb enough to get hurt?" She tried to tease, lightening the mood to the best of her ability.

After Sirius died, Adelaide felt like her ability to be humorous had declined dramatically. It had only been fourteen months since he died but she thought she was making progress. Though – she still refused to speak with Charlie about that night at Bill and Fleur's engagement party.

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