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"He's more myself than I am

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"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" – Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights


Adelaide felt sudden bursts of energy as she kept her mind open. Although she could not see right infront of her – she knew someone was getting closer and closer to her. She could hear the heavy breathing and snickers leaving the person's lips and was quick to realize that whoever this person was – they were not on her side.

But if Sirius Black had taught her anything, it was to never give up. To never surrender, even if victory did not seem close enough to grasp. She refused to go down without a fight. That was not the kind of person Sirius thought she was. He was not here to protect her, and neither was Charlie.


Adelaide was not sure where the voice came from, but she knew she was close to them as she had felt the blast of whatever wall had just come crumbling down. It must have been the same person who was lingering near her, snickering.

Her body was thrown back against part of the wall that was not currently in the process of crumbling down. With a groan, Adelaide closed her eyes and tried to keep her wits about her. Luckily, she was not thrown back too hard and other than a sore back she was still conscious as she saw a dark figure towering over her.

Before she could blink, the figure was thrown back and through the air. Her hand moved from its spot on the side of her head as she pressed it against the floor to try and leverage herself up.

"Bloody hell..." she groaned softly, flinching at the sudden pain shooting up her back as she moved to stand up again.

"You should probably take your time with that."

The voice was familiar. Why was it so familiar?

"Addy?" the figure spoke up again. This time, a large hand gently wrapped itself around her upper arm. The stability of another person helping her stand was all she needed to finally open her eyes.

It was not as easy to ignore the pain but when the figure spoke again, Adelaide felt something entirely else course through her veins. The hand wrapped around her arm was beginning to shake her to her very core.


Her voice came out hoarse as she leaned into his touch. Was she hallucinating? She had to be hallucinating. How in the world could Charlie be here so fast? Maybe she got knocked out in the blast and was dreaming of Charlie saving her? She used to imagine him as her knight in shining armor after all. So that had to be it. Yes, she must be dreaming.

"Adelaide, can you hear me?"

After another hand grasped her other arm and shook her slightly, Adelaide squeezed her eyes shut. The person holding onto her was right infront of her, but she was terrified of opening her eyes and looking up at someone who was not a friendly.

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