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~Trigger Warning: alcohol consumption~

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~Trigger Warning: alcohol consumption~


By the time Adelaide had made it back to her dormitory, changed into a royal blue – shocker – sundress and walked down into the Ravenclaw common room, the party was already in full swing. Drinks were being tossed back and forth and typically Adelaide tried to stay away from anything involved firewhiskey when she was not with Charlie and his older brother, Bill, but tonight she had once again concluded that she deserved to celebrate.

She deserved to unwind and enjoy herself – or at least try to do those things, anyway.

"Addy!" Charlotte Winters was standing by the armchair in the corner of the room, waving her arms excitedly up in the air to gather the attention of the blonde witch.

"Char!" Adelaide grinned and slipped through the crowd to walk up to her roommate for the last seven years.

"Tell me you're not going to leave us for those Gryffindors again?" Charlotte teased, nudging Adelaide in the ribs with her elbow before handing her a cup full of the amber liquor she had just been thinking about.

"Not right now, no." Adelaide took the cup, thanked Charlotte, and sat down in the chair with a loud, dramatic sigh. "You know I love you, but Charlie is my best friend. I can't help that we were sorted into different houses." Adelaide laughed softly, tucking a wild strand of hair behind her ear as she turned to look at her friend.

"Aye..." Charlotte rolled her eyes teasingly, "Best friend. Right."

"Not you too..." Adelaide sighed again, taking a rather large gulp of the liquor before scrunching up her nose in disgust. Merlin, that stuff just did not taste good. Why was everyone always drinking it?

"I see the way you look at him, Addy. Bloody hell, everyone sees it. Except him, of course." Charlotte teased her.

Adelaide sighed softly. She knew she had been having those forbidden feelings more often recently. She refused to act on them. No matter how close Charlie would lay beside her... No matter how long he would hold her hand for or how he would kiss her forehead. Thinking of the little touches and looks caused butterflies to flutter around Adelaide's stomach. Was she in love with her best friend? Or did she just not know any better?

She had a few boyfriends throughout the years at Hogwarts, but none of the relationships had ever developed any further than just innocent hand holding and some kisses. Ok – maybe a few heated snogging sessions in dark and empty corridors...and that was it!

"You all drive me insane. Every, last one of you! You know that?" Adelaide rolled her eyes, finishing the cup of firewhiskey with another large gulp. She was already feeling the effects. She was what Bill called a 'light weight'. Bloody Bill Weasley, Adelaide thought to herself with a grimace.

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