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J A N U A R Y 1997

Adelaide meant every word she had spoken to Charlie the night before. She would answer his owls – though she was still upset that he was choosing to return to Romania. What if she needed him? Really, it was a silly though... a ridiculous worry that she just could not help but feel. Deep down, she knew she shouldn't need or want him – but she still did. She had also promised to keep an eye on his parents, Molly specifically.

The attack on the burrow by Bellatrix and Fenrir took Molly's morale down a couple of notches. Although she would never admit it openly, Molly was struggling. She was scared, and Charlie had almost declined Dumbledore's offer but ended up talking it over with his parents before making his decision.

It was only mid-morning but all of those still attending Hogwarts were on their way back to school. Adelaide, who had gone home alone, was about to make her journey back to the burrow when she was disturbed by the loud screech of an older brown owl hovering about her kitchen window.

Tossing the floo powder back into the little cauldron against the wall, Adelaide turned and let the owl in. "My, my, what have we here?" the blonde giggled softly as the owl let out a soft noise at her gentle touch as he rested his claws gently on the curve of her fingers.

She had seen this owl before, but as she took the letter from the creature and before she could inspect him, he flew back out the window and headed in the same direction he had come from. "You didn't even wait for a treat!" the healer found herself calling after the typically nocturnal creature before shaking her head at the realization that she was now yelling at animals who couldn't talk back. Maybe she was finally losing her mind.

Unraveling the small piece of parchment, Adelaide read the contents three times over before she started to think about what she was reading. Why on earth would Dumbledore offer her a position at Hogwarts for the remainder of the school year? Glancing quickly at the clock on the wall to her left, she realized she only had another hour of Charlie's time and would want his guidance on the matter.

Folding the letter back up, she turned on her heel and dashed back over to the fireplace. She grabbed the powder and tossed it down before stepping in and calling out for the burrow.


"I wonder why Dumbledore waited until the last possible moment to ask this of you?" Molly stood beside her husband, who had just returned from watching the kids board the Hogwarts Express back to school.

Arthur looked at the letter again before handing it over to Charlie who held his hand out to read it once more.

"I'm not sure. Dumbledore always has a reason for the things he does as well as the things he says." Adelaide shrugged her shoulders, pulling a part of the freshly baked cinnamon roll on the plate infront of her to pop a piece into her mouth and chew silently. Mulling over the possible reasons, Adelaide continued to chew and stare down at the plate.

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