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Dinner, as always, was lovely. Adelaide found herself helping Molly with the tail end of the clean up before grabbing a drink and joining Sirius at the table.

She handed him a glass of his own, pressing her lips against his right temple before resting a hand on his shoulder.

"He'll be here soon." She whispered down to him, a knowing smile appearing on her lips.

She knew he was anxious about seeing Harry again. He was also anxious about spending time with the boy. He looked so much like his father, James, and Sirius was worried that he would not be able to differentiate the two.

Sirius smiled, reaching back and up to his shoulder so he could clasp his hand around Adelaide's. He leaned back in the chair and took in a deep breath.

"What if he doesn't like being here?" Sirius closed his eyes for a moment as he began to let the negative thoughts take over.

"Stop. That's bloody ridiculous." Adelaide shifted to sit on the arm of the chair, wrapping her arm around Sirius' shoulders before pressing her lips against the top of his head. "He's your godson. He is going to love being here with you. With all of us, I'm sure."

"I want to figure out how to get him for go-" Sirius stopped midsentence, hearing the loud, obnoxious footsteps of Nymphadora Tonks. He shifted up in his chair, looking up as he heard Remus and Arthur start to discuss a few things about the order. Molly shuffled over to close the door but not until Sirius could make eye contact with his godson, Harry Potter.

Adelaide looked up at the same time, a smile appearing on her lips at the sight of Harry before Molly had closed the door.

She got up from the chair, pressing another gentle kiss to Sirius' temple before greeting her best friend with a tight hug.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, Tonks." The blonde sighed, holding onto her friend before they both mutually split from the hug.

"Wotcher Addy!" Tonks beamed, her eyes moving to focus on Remus as he stood by Sirius at the table now.

"Right to business, then?" Tonks spoke up, looking over at Moody and Kingsley before she sat down besides Adelaide on the loveseat by the opposite wall. Adelaide assumed she chose that spot so she could get a good look at Remus the entire time. The metamorphaghus was anything but subtle.

"We need to keep the kids out of it as much as possible." Charlie spoke up, crossing one leg over the other pressing his ankle into his knee as he leaned forward on the same leg he had lifted. His foot was shaking a bit, purely out of nerves. Sure – working with dragons was extremely dangerous...but thinking about working against the Dark Lord, and the dark magic he and his followers possessed was even more dangerous.

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