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*~* Trigger Warning: alcohol consumption and sexually explicit material

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*~* Trigger Warning: alcohol consumption and sexually explicit material. *~*


A U G U S T 1996, T H E B U R R O W

In the weeks that had passed since Adelaide dreamt of her wedding to Sirius, she was able to keep the nightmares at bay – for the most part, anyway. She had reluctantly agreed to brew her own batch of Draught of Peace, and even some Draught of Dreamless sleep. Charlie told her it was best to have it on hand, just to be safe.

She agreed, even though she knew she would never take it. She still stuck by her word that she would rather have nightmares of him dying than no dreams at all.

It was the end of summer and currently, she was laying out on a large blanket with Fleur. In the past weeks they had gotten closer. Fleur, though she was marrying the eldest Weasley, was still considered an outcast. Adelaide felt terrible that she was going through this, alone no less. Adelaide didn't know what it was like to not be welcomed in with open arms by Molly.

She knew Molly could be quite aggressive – though most of the time she meant it in a totally harmless, loving way.

"How are you feeling?"

Adelaide opened her eyes, shielding them from the strong summer sun as she glanced to her right at Fleur. "I'm ok." She smiled softly, "Getting better every day, I think so anyway."

Fleur smiled back. "Good. I'm glad. You have a beautiful soul, Adelaide. I can see why my soon to be brother-in-law is so smitten with you."

Adelaide almost choked on her own saliva. She sprung up, turning to face the French native fully. "I'm sorry, what? You're not talking about Ron, right? The poor boy will drool over anything with two legs and a nice pair of..." she stopped herself, having to remember that she wasn't speaking with Tonks – who's humor was just as crude, if not worse, than hers.

Fleur raised a brow. "I'm going to choose to ignore the vulgarity you almost let slip!" though she ended up laughing anyway. "And no. Not Ronald." She shook her head and sat up, fanning herself for a moment before she stood up and pulled on her little cover up.


"I mean, if I really have to spell it out for you, darling," Fleur sighed, though a small smirk appeared on her lips. "We can table this discussion for later. I should go get ready for tonight."

With that, Fleur turned and sauntered, yes sauntered, away. Bill met her by the back door, a large grin spreading wide as he took in his future wife. "You look radiant." He whispered, leaning down to kiss her lips softly before he was nudged to the side by Charlie.

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