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A/N: I just love this part it makes me giggle, I couldn't help but include this gif

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A/N: I just love this part it makes me giggle, I couldn't help but include this gif.


D E C E M B E R 1993, R O M A N I A

Charlie found himself pacing his cottage, left and right, for a better half of the month of December. He had first written the letter to Adelaide when he got back from the vacation in Egypt. That was in August. He had tossed out well over three dozen drafts of said letter, which had all but taken him until December to come up with the "perfect" letter.

It was short and sweet. Charlie did not want to bore her by droning on about his life – or lack thereof. Though Charlie was extremely happy with his choice of career path, he was struggling on a personal level. His only friends were the other dragonologists living on the sanctuary and the dragons that they took care of.

He felt quite pathetic, really. Aside from a few romantic flings with some of the Romanian locals, Charlie found himself to be quite a bit of a hermit. He would wake up before dawn to get ready for the day. He would always be the first one awake, therefore the first one to feed the dragons. He did not mind it, of course. He felt extremely bonded with most of the dragons they had on the sanctuary.

He had just gotten back from dinner in the mess hall with the others when an owl he had not seen in over two years swooped into his kitchen window. The creature was truly beautiful. Black and brown feathers, groomed to perfection.

"Well, hello there Fozzy." Charlie chuckled softly, reaching forward to pluck the letter from the owl's beak, stroking the feathers gently. "Boy, am I glad to see you." He whispered softly, moving to the closest cabinet, and picking up a few treats to feed the owl before sitting down at the table while Fozzy swooped right back out of the window.

A sweat was starting to break out over Charlie's forehead. His fingertips brushed against the writing on the front of the envelope. He could recognize the writing a mile away if had to. Adelaide always had the neatest, and prettiest, writing out of their group.

It took Charlie a few minutes of just staring at the envelope before he gathered up the courage to tear it open and unfold the letter within.


Thank you for your support. Even if you are still so very far away. If I am being quite honest here, I was not going to write back. I have struggled with your decision to run off to Romania without telling me for far too long.

Happy Christmas, Charles Weasley.


While her letter was quite...formal, Charlie was thrilled that she even took the time to write him back. The last thing he had ever said to her was telling her to go to bed after she said that she loved him. He was struggling with understanding where she stood on their friendship, though. While it was a good thing that she responded to him, Charlie could not help but worry that she still did not forgive him. Maybe he would try to keep the line of communication open between the two of them. Maybe that would help.

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