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The next morning, not too long after the sun started to rise in the misty summer sky, Adelaide found herself scribbling a quick note to Tonks requesting her to meet at Hogsmeade for lunch.

The healer soon moved to the kitchen, preparing some tea and coffee knowing that everyone in the house had their own preferences. She had a small notepad with her, writing down things she would need to pick up. Molly, who was also an early riser, shuffled into the kitchen still wiping sleep from her eyes.

"Oh, morning Adelaide." Molly sighed happily, pecking the girl on the cheek in greeting. "How was work?"

Adelaide smiled. "It was alright. Quite busy, a bit too busy for my liking. I'm glad to be off for a few days." She admitted with a chuckle. "I'm going to make a run to Hogsmeade for a...uh, few supplies." She cleared her throat a bit, reaching over to wand, flicking it behind her to magically whip up her cup of coffee just how she liked it.

"Is there anything you would like for me to pick up?" The blonde tucked a few strands of hair behind her ears as she tucked her wand into the back pocket of her loose-fitting jeans.

Molly smiled. "Actually, yes. There's quite a few things I could use here in the kitchen. If you don't mind, that is."

Adelaide shook her head, "No, of course not."

Molly smiled, nodding to Adelaide as she stepped up beside her to scribble a few items she needed.

"Bezoar?" Adelaide peered over Molly's shoulder as she watched her write what she needed. Adelaide recognized this ingredient instantly – typically used in antidotes for most poisons. The healer tried to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach at the new reality for everyone in the wizarding world.

"I'm not too good at potions, Addy dear," Molly sighed, "But I have a feeling we may need a few things lying around the house to be safe."

Adelaide nodded in agreement. "Not to toot my own horn, but-"

"Addy is bloody brilliant in potions."

Charlie walked through the doorway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he snagged the floating cup of tea that was lingering a few inches above the countertop.

Adelaide smiled out of embarrassment. "Right." She cleared her throat a bit, sipping her coffee before looking over at Charlie for a quick moment.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, dear! After all, you are a brilliant healer. It makes sense that you are skilled with potion making." Molly smiled, finishing up her list before sliding the paper and quill back to Adelaide before picking up a cup of tea for herself and quickly shuffling out of the room – leaving Adelaide alone with Charlie.

"Ah, Addy, this came for you." Charlie reached into his back pocket and handed over a letter. "I just sent an owl to Hugo so I was there when it was delivered."

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