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Leaving Sirius was a lot harder than Adelaide could have ever imagined. They said goodbye in silence. There were so many things she wanted to learn about him, about Remus and the rest of the Marauders.

Longing glances between the cell door were all that they had in the short amount of time they were given. Hands clutching the metal tightly was as close as they were able to get to one another.

Adelaide refused to let Sirius see the tears accumulating in her eyes. She made sure to keep her head bowed low and her eyes squeezed shut. It was not until she was walking back down the staircase within the castle did the tears flow down her cheeks.

A part of her felt like she was betraying someone. Charlie, maybe. Even though she has barely spoken to him, let alone the fact that she had not seen him since their last night as students in Hogwarts. She felt almost embarrassed about the connection she felt with Sirius Black. The man was much older than her, but not quite old enough to be her father (thank Merlin for that).

Each night she would spend sneaking out to him at the Shrieking Shack, she felt a rush of adrenaline and danger. Again, she felt embarrassed. It was a turn on. The excitement of danger, maybe even of being caught. She had no idea what had come over her. She was never this adventurous when she was younger. If only Charlie could see her now...

Actually, scratch that thought. Adelaide did not want Charlie to see her now. No, definitely not. Here she was crying over another man. But not just any man. Sirius Fucking Black. An innocent man who was going to lose his life for the crimes that a supposed friend had committed and framed him for. That was something she still could not understand.


J U N E 1994, H O G W A R T S

"I still can't believe you're leaving." Adelaide sighed, folding a pair of trousers for Remus, much to his dismay. He refused her help countless times since everything with Peter and Sirius happened. Remus had been avoiding her since that night and Adelaide could not understand why. All she wanted to do was help him.

Since that night, Adelaide had kept a close eye on the trio. Hermione had provided all the details of what happened with the time turner. About Sirius' escape with Buckbeak. Adelaide felt the tips of her fingers tingle when she thought of Sirius living as a free man. But she knew he would not be a free man, at least not yet. Not until Peter Pettigrew was captured.

"Well, it is what's best, Adelaide." Remus told her, a sad smile forming on his lips as he watched her fold a few more articles of clothing for him. He thanked her and closed the suitcase before moving back to his desk.

"Will you at least stay in touch?" She asked hopefully, moving to look at a few more things around the room. "Tonks will most certainly be asking about you. I think she's got a schoolgirl crush on you." Adelaide smirked, looking over at Remus with a chuckle.

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