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{TW: just a HINT of smut in the beginning of this chapter

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{TW: just a HINT of smut in the beginning of this chapter. Nothing really explicit, though.}


When Adelaide felt the warm morning rays against her skin, she let her eyes flutter open. At first, she was slightly confused.

Where was she? And why was there a man on top of her? Glancing down, rather quickly, the healer found herself smiling at what she laid her eyes upon.


He was sound asleep with his head still resting against her bare chest. She had no idea how they stayed in the same position all night but as she attempted to shift her body, only slightly, the dull ache in her lower back began to scream out. She stopped moving instantly for if she irritated the pained muscles in her back again, she would most likely wake the sleeping dragon tamer and with one look down at him she realized that was something she did not want to do.

He looked so peaceful. And quite adorable. His hair was a mess and hanging down into his face so, very gently, she slipped her fingers through the red curls to pull the strands away from his eyes and let her own eyes falls shut once more.

"How long have you been awake?" Charlie grumbled against her breast before giving her sensitive skin a soft, sweet kiss.

Adelaide giggled, shivering under the sudden touch. Although he had been sleeping against her, there was something sensual about the soft kiss he placed upon her.

"Only just a minute." She responded, looking down at him once she felt him shift his body away from hers, now lying beside her on the bed. "What about you?"

"A few minutes before you, I'm sure. I didn't want move, though. You are far too comfortable to sleep on."

Adelaide playfully smacked his chest, turning to lay on her side as she pulled the blanket up to cover her modesty – though really at this point, why she even bothered she haven't a clue.

"I'm worried, Charlie." Adelaide nervously began chewing at her bottom lip as she looked over at her best friend. He furrowed his brows and turned to face her, now laying on his side as well.

"About what?"

"This war, you git." The healer playfully rolled her eyes. She would do her best to find the humor in the situation, no matter how serious it was. "Last night was terrifying. We're lucky no one was hurt. Now that the ministry has fallen to the dark lord and his followers, everything that we know is going to change."

Charlie sighed. He knew she was right. He hated when she was right. "We'll get through it together." He began, reaching over to gently place his hand on the side of her head. He brushed his thumb along her cheek before he leaned over and pressed his lips against hers.

Wildfire {Charlie Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now