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*A/N: This chapter contains sexually explicit material ;) *

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*A/N: This chapter contains sexually explicit material ;) *


D E C E M B E R 1997

"Aren't you worried about them? Your brother, especially?"

Adelaide was currently wrapped tightly in a thick wool blanket – knit by none other than Molly Weasley. She was sure the woman was going insane while hiding out with Arthur's Aunt Muriel. Charlie was perched behind her, his arms and legs spread wide to house her between them.

Since the wedding, they had not had any further serious conversation about their relationship. Adelaide's things remained in the spare bedroom, but most nights she found her way into Charlie's bed. On the nights that she stayed within her own bed of Shell Cottage, Charlie found his way in. Tonight was no different. They had spent time wrapped up in one another, whispering sweet nothings, promising protection, birthday wishes for the following week as they both were turning another year older in a few days' time.

"Of course I am." Charlie sighed.

In truth, he worried about the safety of his youngest brother, and his two best friends. He thought about the trio often and wondered where they were, what they were doing. His arms tightened around her shoulders, keeping her safely tucked against his chest.

"I worry, too, but I know that they are smart. Smarter than we all have given them credit for." Adelaide turned slightly to look back at him with a grin.

"Especially Hermione." They ended up speaking the young girls name in unison. Adelaide ended up giggling as Charlie affectionately kissed her temple, the one closest to his lips as he leaned in close.

Resting close with one another looking up at the sky, Adelaide and Charlie ended up recounting their times out on the Hogwarts quidditch pitch late at night. Adelaide, of course, safely on the ground. Charlie, on the other hand, widely flying through the darkened sky. Adelaide was always afraid of heights, though she did let Charlie bring her up every so often. It usually ended in tears – on her behalf, and then laughter on Charlie's end.

"Don't start laughing at me again, Charles Weasley!" Adelaide laughed herself. She turned some more and gave him a playful glare. "You always laugh at me and it's not very nice!"

Charlie was still laughing, his head thrown back though his arms stayed around her tightly. "I do it out of lov-"


He was cut off by the obvious sound of someone apparating nearby. Immediately, Charlie stood up with Adelaide and grabbed his wand before making sure she had her own.

"Stay by my side, Addy." Charlie hissed down at her as his free hand reached down to slip into hers. He looked around and did his best in searching through the dark.

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