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S E P T E M B E R 1993

The grand feast to celebrate the beginning of another school year was already underway by the time Adelaide reached the Great Hall. She had promised Poppy she would finish up counting the inventory for her so she could attend the opening remarks from Dumbledore.

With having taken her hair out from the bun, her long tresses now curled down her back and tucked behind her ears. She pushed the heavy doors open, a bright smile on her lips as she watched most of the students turn to watch her walk in.

She found herself gravitationally pulled to the Gryffindor table – even after having been out of school for some years now...some things never really do change.

"Ronald Weasley." She spoke sternly, narrowing her eyes at the redhead. Whispers could be heard surrounding the youngest male Weasley. Other students wondering who the woman was who was seemingly getting ready to scold Ron.

Gulping quite loudly, Ron turned at his full name being called. Once he spotted Adelaide, he physically relaxed.

"Bloody hell, Addy!" He cried, the look of terror that had been on his face slowly fading.

"I couldn't help myself!" The blonde giggled, grinning down at Ron as he stood up to wrap his arms around her and give her a tight hug.

"You look so grown up." Adelaide sighed, teasingly ruffling his hair before turning to look at his friends, whom she had heard of but never got the pleasure of meeting yet.

"Oh, right!" Ron blushed, pulling himself away from Adelaide before turning to Harry and Hermione.

"Harry, Hermione, this is Adelaide. She's best friends with my bro-"

"Was, ickle Ronniekins! Was best friends with our dearest brother Charlie!"

"And dumb! Don't forget dumb!"

Turning at the intrusion of not one, but two voices, during her introduction, Adelaide gasped.

"Fred and George. Look at how bloody tall you both are!"

Adelaide was now squeezed between the twins in a tight embrace.

"We were always taller than you, Adelaide." George joked.

"He's right!" Fred chimed in.

Adelaide rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, very funny you two." She then turned back to Ron, Harry and Hermione.

"Where's Ginny?"

That was the sibling she was most excited to see. She remembered first meeting the sweet, innocent little girl her first time at the burrow. All of the boys doted on her, left and right, and Adelaide remembered making fun of Charlie for the entire summer because all he could talk about was teaching Ginny about dragons when she was old enough to understand.

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