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*~* A/N: Sam Heughan appreciation gif

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*~* A/N: Sam Heughan appreciation gif. Because DAMN, this man is so fine. *~*


Charlie had been knocked out from Adelaide's sleeping charm for well over six hours. When he woke, it was still early in the morning hours. His eyes fluttered open, shut again, then remained closed as he got his bearings. His back felt tight, but the pain he was used to from the burns he had received previously was not present.

He felt something wrapped around his torso, not too tight and not too loose. Rolling over to his side, Charlie reached up and ran his fingers along the gauze with a groan. He was a bit sore – but that was to be expected.

Blinking a few more times, Charlie rolled all the way over to his other side so he could face the windows to try and gauge what time it was. Most likely just before sunrise, judging by the colors in the sky.

He found himself watching the sky through the windowpane and wondering what the future was going to bring. How many more sunrises would he be able to witness and experience? He was beginning to sound like Adelaide...

Speaking of...

"You're up." Adelaide softly padded back into the bedroom, two mugs of tea in her hands as she walked over to Charlie's side of the bed.

"Uh, yeah." Charlie shifted to sit up, groaning a bit at the tightness in his back as he stretched and moved the muscles that had been magically put to sleep for the last few hours.

"Thank you."

"Just doing my job, Charlie." Adelaide whispered, sitting on the edge of the mattress besides his as she handed him one of the mugs. "But you're welcome." she added, a small smile appearing on her lips as she watched him take a sip.

Charlie was surprised she had remembered just how he liked his tea. Just a splash of milk and three dollops of honey.

Adelaide glanced away, watching the sun begin to rise in the sky. The hues of orange and pinks were spreading further and further apart across the horizon. The sight was truly remarkable.

"The sun never rises like this in London." Adelaide muttered with a small laugh. "I guess I can see why you love it here so much."

Charlie sat the mug down, freeing his hands up now as he started to unravel the gauze from his torso. "So, the gruesome dragon injuries don't cancel out the beautiful sunrises?" he teased, smirking up at her as he got all of the gauze removed from his body.

"Don't remind me." she sighed, shaking her head. "That was terrifying, Charlie."

"Hurt like a bitch, too." Charlie tried to joke about his accident.

"Very funny." Adelaide sighed, rolling her eyes before she started scooting back further on the bed. "Turn around, I'm going to check your back to make sure it healed properly."

Wildfire {Charlie Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now