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J U L Y 1998

"I think we need to tell everyone." Adelaide rolled over in bed, her eyes falling shut as the bright sun rays filtered in through the curtains. She groaned as she felt blinded for a moment before she rolled right back over to look at Charlie as he sat up, pulling his trousers on as he stood.

"Can't we just keep it between the two of us for just a little while longer?" The redhead sighed and turned to look at his wife. He smiled warmly down at her. She was an absolute vision. Radiant in her beauty as the sun created a halo around her head from the window behind her.

"Charlie!" Adelaide giggled as she sat up, letting the sheet fall to her waist as she gestured downwards with only her eyes. "I don't know how much longer I can hide this." She puckered her lips in a playful manner as he leaned down to kiss her. "Plus, we've only been married for one month and I know your Mum can do basic mathematics."

Before the war, Adelaide would have said they were rushing things. But the week after Fred's funeral, she had to bury Tonks and Remus and as she stood by the hillside of the burrow holding Teddy in her arms, she knew she didn't want to wait a minute more. She wanted to marry Charlie. She wanted, no needed, to start the rest of her life, and little did she know that when they were fighting for their lives, the seed was already planted and there was new life beginning to grow within her, so she was already well on that path.

Charlie reached down, his fingertips brushing down between her bare breasts before landing on a small little bump. It was barely noticeable for anyone who didn't stare at it every day - especially for the past three months.

"Yes, Mum doesn't let anything get past her. Unfortunately..." Charlie bit his bottom lip in thought before he moved to lean further down and place a kiss on her belly. He let his lips longer there before pulling back and finished getting dressed for the day.

"Alright, fine. We'll tell them today."


"I'm pregnant."

The room erupted into cheers. Hoots and hollers loudly ricocheted between the walls of the burrow as Adelaide and Charlie finally broke the news to his family. Charlie was beaming ear to ear as he began hugging his siblings and their partners, enjoying the happiness that they all deserved to feel after years of the unknown and heartache of a war.

The only one missing was George, and Adelaide knew that she would go and tell him separately when they were finished here. He had taken the loss of his brother badly, as would any surviving twin she assumed, so she did not take any offense that he refused to attend special events so soon after the war. George always held a special place in her heart.

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