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*~* TW: This chapter includes sexually explicit material

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*~* TW: This chapter includes sexually explicit material. *~*


"You naughty boy." Adelaide teased, giggles escaping her lips as Sirius reached down to grab her hands and pull her up from the toilet seat.

He spun her around and slowly starting tugging down the zipper to her uniform. "Yes, I can be quite naughty." Sirius teased, leaning down to plant soft, wet kisses along the back of her neck and shoulder blades as he helped her out of her clothing.

Sirius had ditched the rest of his clothing beforehand and had slipped into the white ceramic clawfoot tub. Adelaide found herself stepping in and resting her back against his chest, enjoying the feeling of his arms around her waist and the hot water splashing around her legs.

"Harry is a brilliant wizard, Sirius." Adelaide found herself speaking up, though keeping her eyes shut as her hands dipped beneath the bubble-filled water as she ran them down his thighs. "I know that you're concerned for him. And truthfully, I believe you have every right to be. I remember reading about the Triwizard Tournament. It's dangerous, that much is true but I also don't think Dumbledore would do anything to put him in harm's way on purpose."

Sirius sighed softly, enjoying the way her fingernails scraped against his skin. "I know, love, but as the only piece that I have left of James and Lily, I feel overprotective." He admitted, leaning his head back and resting it on the edge of the tub as Adelaide continued running her nails against his skin.

"You're a good man, Sirius Black." Adelaide whispered, slowly slipping forward a bit, remaining in between Sirius' legs, ignoring the way the water splashed up around her and over the edge of the tub as she turned around, now kneeling before him.

Feeling the movement of the water, Sirius opened his eyes and peered up at Adelaide. "To be honest, love, you may be the only person," He let his hands move from the sides of the tub to sink beneath the water so he could run them along her thighs. "Besides Remus," He smirked, "Who thinks that." Finally finishing his thought, Sirius leaned up and pressed his lips against her neck, enjoying the feeling of her body settling in closer to his now.

"Nonsense." Adelaide breathed out, enjoying the feeling of his fingertips brushing against her sides now before she found herself slipping onto his lap, her knees pressing into the bottom of the tub on either side of his waist. "Molly Weasley speaks highly of you." She ran her fingers through his hair, a soft smile finding it's place on her face as she watched him. "And I know you haven't met them, yet..." She definitely did not want to ruin the moment by speaking of her parents, but here goes nothing.

"But my parents will love you, eventually..." She giggled softly. "I think having Molly and Arthur on your side have helped, especially with my Mum." She told him, scraping her fingernails against his scalp after bringing up a handful of water – to the best of her ability – and wetting his hair. The droplets trickled down the sides of his face and the feeling had a bit of a calming effect on the rest of Sirius' body.

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