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M A Y 1997

Just as she had promised, Adelaide answered Charlie's correspondence. They wrote to one another once a week and she was grateful that he was not daft enough to try and mention having another conversation about what happened between them.

She knew it was too good to be true. Bill and Fleur were getting married in three months and she knew that Charlie would atleast come home for that – if he wasn't home prior to the nuptials – and he would try to talk to her again. Especially with some liquid courage of his own.

The letters were kept light and short. Checking in as friends normally do – nothing serious was ever discussed. Adelaide and Charlie both knew that there was that slight possibility that their letters could fall into the wrong hands.

Being able to attend Hogsmeade outings each weekend was a nice getaway for the healer. She enjoyed the time spent with Madame Pomfrey and other colleagues, but what was even better was getting to see Tonks for lunch.

Married life seemed to have been treating the metamorphagus well. Adelaide could see that her best friend was glowing and she had no doubt that Remus was treating her the way that she deserved.

When Charlie had joked about the students keeping her busy – that was no joke. There had, as always, been weird occurrences happening throughout the school and Adelaide was constantly reading and working with Poppy to figure out the best course of action.

Poor Katie Bell, for starters. She had unfortunately come into contact with some kind of cursed necklace. Now this had happened prior to Christmas and the new year, so Adelaide had not been around when it happened, but she was still doing her best to treat Katie and get her back to full health.

"Healer Corden, may I have a word?"

At the sudden intrusion to her thoughts, which were keeping Adelaide pressed against the stone wall in the courtyard, eyes falling on the sun that was shining brightly above them.

"Of course, Professor. You need not ask." Adelaide smiled up at Dumbledore as he stood beside her.

She could see his frail hand hiding beneath the large sleeves of his robes. She had tried numerous times to get him to open up about it but he would quickly dismiss her concerns with a 'I'm quite fine, my dear.' and move on to whatever he wanted to discuss next.

"It has been some time since we've spoken on a personal level." Dumbledore began, a sad twinkle in his eye. "I wanted to offer you my condolences about Sirius. He was a great man, a great friend, and a great wizard."

At this point, Adelaide was glad he did not mention that Sirius was a 'great lover' on top of everything else. For a moment, it almost looked as though he would. But he cleared his throat and started strolling down the corridor, beckoning for her to follow.

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