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Adelaide should have known better. She should have known that something was not right. Her gut was telling her to turn back and get someone in authority. Dumbledore, perhaps... Maybe even Severus. She felt an odd sensation in her hands, almost like pins and needles. Her magic crackling deep within her, underneath her skin – as she held her wand out before her tight in her hand.

The corridor leading to the room she had watched Moody and Harry rush in to was extremely dark. She had whispered lumos and watched a small light peek out from the tip of her hand as she continued along the empty hallway.

She was having a hard time controlling her breathing, and soon figured out it must have always been the cause of her failed attempts at pranking Charlie during every sleepover at The Burrow.

She could hear clanging of different objects in the room and stood beside the door, pressed against the wall. She quickly whispered nox and let her hand fall to her side after slipping the wand back into her pocket.

"It was you from the beginning!" Adelaide pressed closer, hearing Harry on the other end. He did not sound too distressed, but after hearing Moody mimic Harry and begin speaking back to him, the healer could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"You were in that graveyard because it was meant to be so!"

Adelaide could hear Harry grunt, almost like he was struggling against someone.

That was it. She could not just stand here and eavesdrop any longer. She stood up straight, glanced behind her shoulder to see if anyone else had followed – which as far as she is aware, they had not. She quickly pulled the door open and rushed in, immediately placing herself in between Harry and Moody.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you?" She cried, staring up at the man as she watched him shiver and shake as though he was standing in the pouring, cold rain. His back hunched forward and he let out a weird sound. It almost sounded like he was choking on his own saliva.

"Addy, you shouldn't be here." Harry whispered, still rubbing at his arm where he had been cut.

Moody started towards both Harry and Adelaide and as soon as he grabbed onto her arms, he shoved her down to the ground – his main goal was to get to Harry and now she was just in his way. He would do whatever he had to in order to get to Harry Potter.

Adelaide tumbled to the ground with force, her head knocking into the trunk that stood behind her before the fireplace. She heard the door burst open, Dumbledore shouting out and disarming Moody before her vision started to blur and she glanced up at Severus as she watched him rush into the room behind the Headmaster.

McGonagall was not far behind and instantly went towards the girl who was grimacing in pain at the painful cut on the back of her head. "Ms. Corden, are you alright?"

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