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J U N E 1996, G R I M M A U L D P L A C E

"Please be careful." Adelaide pleaded, her hands grasping the front of Sirius' jacket, holding him close to her as she stared up at him with wide, tear-filled eyes.

Tonks, Remus, and Moody had already taken the floo to the ministry from the fireplace that rested in the corner of the sitting room. Molly and Arthur were saying goodbye to Charlie – Molly, being the mother that she was, was fussing tremendously over her son, worried for his safety. If she had her way, Charlie would be staying here with them.

Kingsley was next to leave, nodding to everyone in the room before disappearing through the flames.

"I love you, Adelaide Corden." Sirius whispered, his thumb brushing over her cheekbone for a moment before he leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Come back to me, Sirius Black. Promise me." She pleaded in a whisper.

Sirius could only smile in response. He kissed her forehead and stepped back to let her say goodbye to Charlie.

"Watch his back, Charlie. For me. Please?" the blonde whispered to her best friend, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him down and squeeze him in a hug.

"You've got it, boss." Charlie told her, a small smile appearing on his lips as he looked down at her. "Don't miss us too much. We'll be back before you know it." He teased, nodding to Sirius as they both stepped closer to the fireplace.

Adelaide sighed. She tried her best to find the humor in Charlie's words, but it was hard.

As the two stood shoulder to shoulder in front of the fireplace, Sirius glanced up at Charlie. A slight scowl at the fact that the younger male stood so tall, towering over him. Once he listened to Adelaide's footsteps leaving the room – most likely going back to her laboratory to occupy herself – he began to speak.

"Promise me that if something happens to me tonight, Charlie," Sirius cleared her throat, grabbing a handful of floo powder. "That you'll take care of her. As much as I dislike you and your relationship with her," he couldn't help but laugh. "I know that she loves you. And that you love her. So, I need to be sure that she will be taken care of. That she will be protected."

Charlie froze at the mention of Adelaide loving him. He knew better than to think that she was still in love with him. "You have my word, Sirius. She's my best friend. I would go to the ends of this earth to make sure she was safe."

Sirius nodded firmly.

"Shall we?"


J U N E 1996, H A L L O F P R O P H E C I E S

As the group of six teenagers began looking around, Harry felt drawn to a nearby corner. His eyes felt onto a brightly lit orb, his name written out down below. Reaching out, Harry slipped his fingertips against the orb, clutching it tight in the palm of his hand as he lifted it from its spot on the shelf before him.

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