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Fresh sunlight streamed through the open window of Adelaide's childhood bedroom. She found herself blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness of the room.

"Wotcher Addy!" Tonks came bounding into the room, a large trunk floating behind her. With the flick of her wrist, the trunk gently, surprisingly so, settled on the floor at the foot of Adelaide's bed.

"Good morning to you, too, Nymphadora." Adelaide smirked from beneath her sheets, making sure she was prepared to block anything that Tonks threw at her.

Tamping down her anger at the use of her first name, Tonks forced a smile. "Adelaide Corden. Today is a special day. And I am not going to hurt you." Tonks moved to open the trunk, a happy grin spreading wide upon her face as she peeked at what was inside. "After all, what would my dear old cousin, Sirius, say if I had to tell him I hurt his bride on their wedding day?"

Adelaide was beaming. Her hand slipped from beneath the sheets as she stared up at the shining gem resting on her left ring finger. Today was really the day. The day she married her soul mate.

"By the end of the day, Tonks, we'll officially be related. By marriage, of course, but isn't that exciting?" Adelaide giggled softly as she now stood up and stretched her body, enjoying the satisfying feeling of some of her joints cracking.

Adelaide then met Tonks by the trunk, eyes wide and already glistening with tears as she looked down at her wedding dress. It had been in her mother's family for generations and she thought it was still beautiful as when the first woman in her mother's family wore it on her very own special day.

Letting Tonks use her wand to lift the dress and hang it on the back of the door, Adelaide made her way into the bathroom. She showered quickly before walking back out in a white, silk robe. Her new initials had been stitched, with love, on the front – courtesy of Molly Weasley, of course.

It had not taken long for her room to fill up with other people. Her mother, Adele, stood behind her at the mirror. Looking at one another through the mirror, Adelaide could feel the love in the room surrounding her. It made her feel warm, and happier than she could have ever imagined.

"I'm not nervous. Is that bad? Should I feel nervous?" Adelaide moved her head, stopping her mother from playing with the veil she had now attached to her.

"That's nonsense, my love." Adele shook her head and fixed the veil before she helped her daughter stand up and began fixing the beautiful dress, double checking to make sure there were no flaws in the lace layers. "When you're getting married to your true soul mate, there is nothing to ever be nervous about. Molly and I can attest to that."

Molly smiled from her position behind Tonks. The Weasley matriarch was assisting the unruly hair of the metamorphagus, trying to ignore the changing color as it was obvious Tonks was feeling the anxiety of the day. "Your mother is right. With Arthur, I knew from the moment I laid eyes on him that he was the one for me. I've never had any second thoughts to anything from that day on."

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