[M] You're Stupid

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A/N: Before I start. Let me just remind you that this is a mature AU and a Dahyun G!P one, so please skip it if you're uncomfortable. This is not to offend anyone, and just a reminder that this is an Alternate Universe, and a lot of things can happen here but that doesn't mean that it's the reality. Thank you!

Third Person's POV

Sana's parents decided to move back to Japan due to financial problems, she was left alone to fend for herself. She refused to come home with them because Korea is where she grew up. This is where her friends and boyfriend are.

For more than a year, she managed to have a job, great friends and a happy relationship. It was too good, so good.

Then as if her luck ran out, problems suddenly started appearing one by one...

Someone filed a complaint against her because she had a verbal altercation with one of her officemates, and she was suspended for five months. She was pissed off because she heard her officemate call her names just because her proposal was approved and theirs was not. She can't take it when someone discredits her work just because they can't accept the fact that Sana worked hard for it. The thing is it's the kid of the CEO who caught them fighting.

She always hated that brat. She was so full of herself and always nitpicking things, especially if it's about her, plus she's the mortal enemy of Hanbin, her boyfriend.

The problem was, she was only able to save some of her salary for the previous year because she also has a lot of expenses plus she makes sure that she's present everytime that Hanbin would ask her to go out and party. He's a model and he's often invited to high-end parties and such.

She doesn't know how she'll get by for the next few months. Her parents were still struggling to make ends meet in Japan. "Don't worry, Sana. You'll figure it out!" She whispered to herself as she looked out the window of her apartment drinking soju. Starting tomorrow, she's officially jobless for five months.

She woke up the next day because of Hanbin's numerous calls.

"Hello? Hon, sorry. I just woke up." Sana groggily answered the phone. She hasn't told Hanbin what happened yet.

Hanbin was angrily yapping at the other line when she told him about what happened. He didn't even ask me if she's okay. Sana can't deal with this this early so she asked, "Hanbin, what's the reason for your call?"

He told her that there's an important event that they need to attend later today, and they need to get new clothes for her. The thing is, she already decided that she would need to look for a part time job right away, if she wanted to make sure she'll be able to pay for her rent and bills next month.

This is the first time that she declined Hanbin, and as much as she hates the girls gawking at her boyfriend, she needs to prioritize finding a source of income for the next few months. Hanbin whined on the other line, but she's not swayed by it. She knows that she can't make any mistakes right now or she'll be forced to go back to Japan with her parents.

She went to the bathroom to wash and then she'll prepare her breakfast before she goes job hunting.

On her way down from her apartment, she's welcomed by Kim Dahyun's newly installed poster. The model's eyes glinted with confidence and her blinding smile must've convinced everyone that she's a great person, but Sana's not fooled. She's just an inconsiderate person and she always hated her obnoxiousness.

She walked around the office as if she owns the world, not to mention that girls loved being around her. They flocked around her and daydreamed about her all day long, then got angry when their project got rejected.

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