[M] [TW] Ashes

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Dahyun's POV

Yuri was seated on her Calming Chair but not for the reasons you might think. Beside her is a bigger chair and I was on it.

Sana and I had a pretty bad fight, which ended up with me sitting in the corner for a time-out.

I think Yuri was just sitting here so that I have some company and I am grateful for someone to talk to even if it was a four year-old that was eating a block of chocolate while I told her my problems.

"I did what she asked! I don't understand why she's mad it didn't turn out the way she wanted. She asked me to charm the restaurant owners, and now she's mad at me, saying that I flirted with them—"

I stopped when Yuri placed her chocolate riddled hand over my mouth.

"I should just stop talking, huh?" I said against her palm.

"Sorry," she giggled, pulling her hand back and licking the chocolate off it.

I nodded, folding my arms over my chest as I pondered the matter further, "Right. Apologize to Mommy before she makes me sleep in the garage. Anything else I should do?"

Yuri puckered her lips and pressed it on my arm.

I smiled. "I'm going to kiss Mommy too, for sure. But that only works after the apology. I can't kiss her as an apology. She's going to get more mad at that."

Yuri sighed and stood, leaving me at the corner.

"Hey, where are you going? I thought we're having a moment. Are you mad at me too?"


I felt that something happened to Sana during JB's birthday, but since our anniversary, she seems a little bit better. Before she would always frown when she heard Momo's name, no matter who said it. She also became a little moody and I'm not sure what to really expect from her. When I tried to ask questions, she would just evade all of them, and I couldn't understand why. It had been almost a year since Momo and I talked, so why now?

I must admit that there are moments when I would think about Momo and how it would feel if it was her instead of Sana that I married and have a child with right now. I wondered if she's okay now. Maybe it was because she was really the first person that I imagined to be with until I grew old. I've been obsessed with marrying her, and having a family together. From the way she managed to help me, I knew she'd be good at the whole family thing. But due to what happened, it had made her untouchable for me. Momo wasn't supposed to end up with someone like me, no matter how much I loved her back then.

But that's it, I am happy with Sana, and definitely happy with my relationship with my precious daughter. Although I am still afraid. What if I made a mistake again and lost both my wife and my kid?

What would happen to me?

My days are full of Sana and our little family, and even if I'm originally the one who brought up the interest in having another child, it seems that Sana's inclined to the idea as well. But then, I felt that I needed to wait until I resolved the issue that's been bugging me since the night of JB's party. And I made it clear with Sana that I needed to wait a little more, and she said that she appreciated my honesty.

I also remembered how much I cried because I thought I'd lost her. And I definitely don't want another thing like that to happen again.

Everytime that we're having an argument, I would go to the library or the game room to read or watch the things that I normally do to get calm when Momo and I had a fight before. And I swear, I only do that so that I can relax before I talk to Sana again.

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