[M] Aratana hajimari

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Dahyun's POV

I've been wanting to solve the case of my mother's murder (yes, I was not convinced that she died naturally), since my early teenage years. I've thought about all the ways that I could exact revenge, or even think of ways of hurting them and killing them in my head. You know when you've waited for something for so long, you already have everything planned to the T, but when I finally got the answer to my question, I was at a loss.

I suddenly don't know how to take another step.

I know that it's not uncommon for rich households to have murders done by their own family members, but I just can't wrap my head around the fact that my mother was killed by her own daughter, and that the last thing that she must've thought was the realization that she raised a murderer, and she's her first victim (or not, who knows).

I was not oblivious of the atrocities that our family did, having committed some of them. My grandfather always favored my sister because she always had no qualms accepting all the things that he confessed to us. But that's not the case for me, I always had the hardest time to obey what he wanted me to do. I know the reason why he did things, but I can't really get behind that, and I was punished for it.

I can remember one time when I caught my sister laughing and talking to herself about me getting hit by my grandfather because I couldn't do what he instructed me to do, which is to slap one of our maids. She dismissed it saying that it was about something else, but even if I'm still young, I have an inkling that she was happy that I was being punished. I thought that it was because she just wanted all the attention to herself, but now I know that it was deeper than that. She hated me so much that she literally wanted to kill me and everyone who dared to love me.

Hatred was not included on the list of the things that I felt for my sister before everything that happened. Sure, I did envy her from time to time because of how much attention she's getting from my grandfather, but that was not enough to hate her. She was first in school and loved by many, but as long as I have my parent's love, that was enough for me. Something I just realized, that made her hate me so much. She was one of the reasons why I strived to be better. I wanted to be as intelligent and have a way with people and things just like her

I know that there's a certain darkness in our family, but I never thought that it was that sinister. Even though I know what she confessed, I am still having a hard time accepting it. You have no idea how much I was stunned when I heard what she did to my mom, to me, and my family and if it was a different situation and Yuri was safe and sound, I'm pretty sure that I would just stand there and do nothing, because even though I could not feel the love of my family, I still love them with all of my heart. She was so good at hiding her true color, but I felt the darkness during my captivity. I felt it with the way she said all those words, even if I was literally half unconscious the whole time. And I know that I must survive at all costs because she will not stop until she gets what she wants. And I needed to be there to protect my family.

So when I woke up, I immediately asked Sana what happened to her, and I was kind of relieved when she told me that my father made sure that she's all locked up and unable to hurt anyone anymore.

Love is truly a scary thing.

We do unspeakable things in the name of love. We protect the people we love. And my sister's case was no different, it's just that, she did it out of her love for herself.

And now that I think about it, I realized that no one really knows her. The depth of the pit inside of her. She never opened up to anyone. She doesn't trust anyone. And I don't know if it's stupid or smart. After all, she fooled us from the beginning.

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