Two Sides

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Sana's POV

"I'll come back for you after two hours, okay?" Dahyun called out to me after she dropped me off at Jihyo's shop. I promised her that I'll visit her soon, and she helped me through a lot when I was suspended.

Jihyo hugged me fiercely when she saw me enter. "I missed you!" She exclaimed.

"And I missed you too!" I giggled at her.

Not a full minute has passed when someone barged in the door.

"What the fuck?!" I jumped in fright as I saw who just entered.

I should've known that sooner or later, Hanbin would find a way to reach me. I glared at him as he sat on one of the chairs next to me. Jihyo was about to throw hands when I stopped her.

"Fuck indeed, Sana." Hanbin said while leering.

I took a deep breath, throwing him a perplexed look. "What are you doing here?"

Hanbin gasped, "That's hurtful", while his friend Bobby walked in the shop as well and took a seat in front of me.

Bobby was close to me, he was always there to help me out whenever Hanbin can't. To be honest, I feel bad that my friendship with him is now affected by my issues with his best friend.

"Sana-chan, care to tell me why you suddenly married Kim Dahyun, of all people?" Bobby searched my face for answers. "Did she threaten you or something?"

"Don't make a scene here!" Jihyo glared at Hanbin and Bobby and asked us to follow her into her office.

Jihyo gestured for me to sit on her couch and advised the guys to sit at the opposite side, something about not wanting me to be stressed because of proximity with Hanbin. She was staring at them with a deep frown and Bobby looked as unconcerned as usual.

When my eyes moved to Hanbin's, I did a double take because he even gave me a reassuring smile, as if I'm the one who needs comforting. My mouth fell open in surprise as I got momentarily distracted by the weird gesture..

Hanbin is known to throw a fit every time that something doesn't go along with his plans. He had been a combative and inattentive boyfriend for months before I caught him with another woman. I always thought that it's probably because we are just both busy, but now I know better.

He was smiling at me, like the past months never happened, and it's seriously freaking me out, when it's his actions that were the reason why I even landed myself in this situation in the first place.

"So?" Bobby pushed me to answer his previous question, getting impatient.

I swallowed hard and focused on him before I answered, "Why should that concern any of you? Dahyun and I are already married and I'm happy."

"I bet she married her because of the baby." Hanbin said plainly.


How am I supposed to deny that? But I know that I can't back down right now.

"Where the fuck did you get that information?" It was Jihyo who answered for me.

I bit my lip. I never told Jihyo about my condition but she's already jumping in to defend me.

I stared at Jihyo who's still glaring at Hanbin.

"That's not hard to figure out." Hanbin said.

"Well, that brain of yours is wrong. Dahyun and I decided to get married not because of the baby." I said.

"Wait, so when you said that you're going to the doctor, it really wasn't because you're sick?" Jihyo interrupted.

"I am feeling sick everyday," I defended myself, "Turns out it was morning sickness."

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