[M] Yuri Feat Dahyun

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Dahyun's POV

I am currently waiting outside for Yuri to finish school.

Somebody stood beside me and suddenly asked a question, "What do you think is more difficult, fighting bad guys or handling a toddler?"

I laughed at the question, "That's a simple one. I can handle anything because I have a toddler."

And I'm surely not kidding about that.

I've tried wrestling Yuri when she's having tantrums every single day. She loved everything around her and when it's time to go home or to sleep or to take a toy from her, it would be like world war all over again.

Right now she's inside her classroom singing and dancing their goodbye song while we both waited outside, looking through one of the glass windows like the annoying parent that I thought I would never be but did this anyway. I just love seeing her with other kids.

"Which one's yours?" The person beside me asked.

"The one with the batman shirt", I replied. Yuri could be easily spotted with her messy bun on top of her head, black pants and white sneakers. Another thing that her mother and her argue about every single day. She just wants those cool clothes, that I'm not sure where she gets the ideas from.

"Cute," said the mom. "Mine's the one beside her."

I looked at the person and back to the kid and said, "Adorable," because it's proper etiquette to compliment each other's kids, right?

"You are Kim Sana's wife, right?" the dad said, "I'm a huge fan of hers."

I nodded, with a stupid grin on my face. I can't wait to tell Sana how I was reduced to just her wife. She'll definitely blush at that.

The students finished their singing and dancing and are now heading towards the other door for the playground when I saw Yuri help out the girl that she sat with. The other mom noticed it too and turned to me, chuckling. "I think our kids are best friends."

I smiled and moved out of the hallway knowing that there will be a lot of kids soon. I waited at the designated area not leaving Yuri out of my sight. All of the other parents followed suit while waiting for their own kids.

Yuri was now approaching me, but my brows raised when I saw her holding hands with the little girl earlier.

"Wow! You made a new friend," I told her when she was near enough to hear me. I waved at the little girl and asked, "What is your name?"

Yuri immediately answered, "Baby."

I laughed out loud teasingly, "What do you mean 'baby'? Did you even ask her parent's permission so that you can ask her on a date, and you're already calling her 'baby'?"

The mom earlier laughed and encouraged her daughter, "Honey, she's asking for your name. What's your name?"

The little girl replied, "Hana," but Yuri shook her head and took her hand again. She corrected her, insisting that her name is "Baby."

Hana frowned at her and said, "I'm Hana. Not baby!" She stuck her face so close to Yuri's because little kids didn't really know all about personal spaces yet and repeated, "Not baby. I'm Hana."

We both laughed. I bent down to Yuri's level and took her hand. "Okay, honey. I'm going to give you some advice. Mama to Yuri. If you like someone and you want to give them a nickname, you need to wait until you're able to protect them from someone. Trust me. That will surely give you at least a right."

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