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Mr. Kim's POV

It was JB's birthday and he invited everyone, and when I mean everyone, he also invited Momo. My daughter told me about JB and Momo's relationship for the past years and for some reason I felt like I needed to talk to him about it. I am tired of watching my daughter's heart get crushed over and over. I may not be close to Dahyun's cousins or Dahyun, but it's not really the first time that I talk to JB about something.

When he opened the door, I could clearly see the happiness in his face. I looked at him and greeted him, "Happy Birthday, JB."

"Thank you for letting me celebrate here, uncle." he responded, the very picture of politeness.

I gestured for him to sit in front of me, and he raised an eyebrow. "I was hoping that we could talk about something."

"Can't this wait, uncle? My guests are already downstairs. We should eat dinner first."

"It just came to my attention that you and Momo were very close even before. And I don't want to meddle with your life—"

"But?" he asked, understanding where this is going.

I checked his posture and actions. I tried my best to show my indifference when I asked, "Are you with Momo now?"

He smirked, "No, uncle. I'm not with Momo. I don't know why you'd even think that, let alone ask me about it. It was not as if she's still engaged with Dahyun."

"I was just concerned about Momo's welfare. And I know that you don't do relationships, and another heartbreak would not do her good." I stated.

"I see. Well, I'm the closest friend that she has right now, and I think that's not a bad thing, right? Or do you want to come between our friendship too?" I remained silent, as I don't want to provoke him any further.

In a way, I feel like I'm also responsible for what happened to her father. If only...

A sigh escaped my lips. Even though Momo's technically not Dahyun's partner anymore, I still want to make sure that she's okay. And I really felt bad about what happened with her relationship with my daughter.

"Is that all? That's the reason why you called me here? To know if Momo and I are in a relationship?"

I scoffed, unsure of what else to do to convey my disbelief. "Of course not."

"Since when did you care about our feelings?"

I started to clench and unclench my fists. "I am not heartless as what you all painted me to be. Your father—"

"Don't you talk to me about my father." he said, fixing his cold glare at me. "If that's all, then I'll go down—"

"I don't want you hurting Momo, JB." I said sternly. "I know that whatever happened between Dahyun and Momo, my daughter loved her so much, and it was ruined. I don't want to have another beef within our family."

"Hirai Momo is not a possession to be kept or given away." JB replied. "She's a treasure and she doesn't deserve all this bullshit. She's not even remotely okay, because she was still so fucked up about what happened years ago!"

I nodded. "I know that. And Dahyun and Momo don't need another heartache."

"Don't act as if you care about any of us." he snapped back. "You just let your daughter do anything that she wants, and then you're now concerned about Momo?"

"What do you mean?"

"Cut the crap! We both know that Dahyun broke her heart because of what happened with her father, and then broke it some more because she can't stand her guilty conscience."

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