[M] Mistake

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Sana's POV

Kim Dahyun wiped all my tears away and in her own little way, she somehow tried to comfort me, just with harsh words.

"You're stupid. Why did you just stand there like—" She stopped herself from continuing the sentence. "Stop crying and sulking. Let's enjoy the party."

But before she pulled me back to the house, she first told me to retouch my makeup in her car. Her car was located inside the garage. What is happening right now?

"Are you done?" She asked for the nth time in the last five minutes.

"It's been just five minutes, Dahyun." I rolled my eyes at her, the pain in my heart somehow lulled by her nagging. Once done, she immediately pulled me again towards the house. She seems fond of pulling people.

She's very familiar with the place, we were able to go back to the party with minimal interactions. But during those interactions, I was able to closely witness Dahyun's legendary social skills, once she's in the mood, with the way she easily charmed the poor girls that approached us, with false hope and sweet talks.

She brought a bottle of wine from the bar counter and we passed by the dance floor. I automatically looked down when I saw the same set of people that witnessed the most embarrassing moment of my life. I don't know if Dahyun planned this all along, but she whispered that I should look up proudly in a low but threatening voice, which I automatically did.

She held my wrist and pulled me towards the stairs.

We reached the balcony of the second floor of the house where only a couple of people were staying. It's a little quieter compared to downstairs. Then I suddenly remembered Nayeon. I opened my phone and found tons of messages from my best friend, a mixture of expletives and apologies. I sent her a quick reply saying that I'm safe and that she should not approach Hanbin no matter what. I don't need any more embarrassment.

She replied within seconds, asking where I am, but I don't want to tell her, not yet.

I ran out of things to do, so I was forced to look at the only company I have tonight. She's just standing there not offering me any soothing words of sympathy, just drinking the wine out of the bottle.

Does she always look this ruggedly beautiful and handsome at the same time?

I approached her and snatched the bottle away from her hands and followed her actions. I took a swig directly from the bottle. The taste of wine burned my throat, but it somehow dulled the heartache that I'm feeling.

I mustered up the courage to strike up a conversation, "So, why'd you decide to step in? You usually let me embarrass myself."

"No special reason." She shrugged. "I just happen to be there at that moment, and you look like an idiot standing there." She took the bottle from me and drank again. "You should be thankful that you got out of that relationship."

She looked at me with those beautiful eyes, or maybe I'm just getting drunk because I felt myself drowning in it, so I looked down and avoided her gaze. I froze when she held my chin and made me look up, "You're beautiful, Sana. Don't ever look down, you don't have to be insecure of anyone." Then she tucked my hair behind my ears.

I don't know what took over me, but I grabbed her shirt and pulled her face towards me, closing the gap between our lips. I wanted to blame the alcohol, but I knew that I'm actually sober when I bit her lips and snaked my arms around her neck. Moaning when she ran her fingers through the strands of my hair as she pulled me closer to her by the waist.

We broke the kiss to get some oxygen, and as soon as I looked up, I saw Hanbin walking near us. So I told myself that this meant nothing, but just an act of revenge. I'm pretty sure Dahyun didn't see Hanbin, so I took this opportunity to kiss her again.

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