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Sana's POV

I must admit, I had a good time sightseeing with Dahyun.

The crew even prepared a very delicious meal.

Dahyun was a little somber during dinner. Probably because I asked about her ex. Is she still affected by her? Is that it? I'm afraid to ask. I didn't even know why I needed to ask about her previous relationship in the first place.

This stupid mouth.

I wanted to know more about her, but this is what happened.

"I'm sorry." I told her as she continued to eat her dinner quietly. "Did I offend you or something?"

She turned to me and smiled at me which I deduced as fake. "No, Sana-chan. You didn't. It's just that talking about Momo always puts me in a sour mood." She admitted.

"Oh." I was about to do a follow up question and ask why, but I bit my lip to stop myself from asking further.

"You're biting your lip. Care to tell me what's bothering you?" Dahyun asked all of a sudden.

"I— I'm just curious, that's all." I sighed.

"Sana, this thing that we have right now? This is like a clean slate for me. I know that it might be too much to ask, but can you forget all the cliché things that you thought you knew about me? Your idea of me, the way I am? I'll do that for you too. Just be you, and I'll be me. I think that's enough for the both of us, right?" She looked at me with those expressive eyes that would suck you in.

"I think that's sensible." I said.

She laughed for the first time since we started dinner. "You're saying that as if I'm not. I am a very sensible person, Sana-chan."

There was really something in her that makes you want to know more, and only few are allowed to. Maybe that's why girls are drawn to her, they all want to figure her out.

"Thank you, Dahyun." I told her for the nth time.

"We're just getting started, Sana. And this is all new to me too, so I ask for your mercy and understanding if I suck at this. Never in my life did I think that I needed to impress a woman. They just mostly take off their clothes just by my mere smile."

I gave her a dirty look. "You are really an arrogant jerk, you know that right?"

"Not the first time that I heard that." She squared her shoulders, "But why do they come back for more?" She confidently said.

"Can't say that I know the answer to that question."

"You don't?" Dahyun asked, which made my eyebrows furrow.

"What do you mean I don't? Do I look like a mind reader?" I quipped.

"No, I mean you don't want to come back for more?" Dahyun asked. If she does not look serious right now, I'd think that she's messing with me, but she's really waiting for an answer.

"Uhm, no? Why would I?" I replied confidently, even if I know deep down that I want to feel how good it is to be in her arms again, but I would rather be caught dead than admit that.

She clutched her chest dramatically and said, "You wound me, Sana-chan."

"Well, that's Minatozaki Sana for you." I winked at her paired with the sweetest smile that I could pull off.

She looked so stunned for a second, then she abruptly stood up and ran inside the cabins leaving me confused outside.

Just what the hell happened?

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