[M] Boundaries

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Third Person's POV

It was four in the morning, and Dahyun was quietly sipping her coffee when she heard crying. She immediately dashed back to the source of the sound, which is Sana's room.

What is it this time? She thought.

"Sana-chan? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She looked around looking for any reason why Sana's crying this early in the morning.

The woman was still crying, so she didn't have any other choice but to make physical contact with her again.

Dahyun was unable to sleep the whole night. She was acutely aware of what Sana's effect is on her. The woman who was going to be the mother of her child has her arms wrapped around her, sniffing her. It was enough to drive anyone mad.

It was bad enough that when she's around Sana, she was always feeling aroused even if Sana does the bare minimum. After all, she never has the urge to eat the same meal twice. Well, after her ex.

And it's clear that it would be difficult for her to suppress her lust, if Sana would continue to be this clingy. Especially when she vowed never to make the first move.

She sighed and climbed the bed so that she could take a good look at the crying woman. "Sshh, I'm here. What's wrong Sana-chan? Did you have a nightmare?"

As soon as she went near her, Sana immediately latched herself towards Dahyun. Then she whispered, "You— you left."

Dahyun took a deep breath. She doesn't know what to do with the information that she received. She normally doesn't care about girls being this clingy. She normally just enjoy the sex and then leave them, even if they cry afterwards. But right now, she had this urge to punch herself because Sana said that she left. And they didn't even had sex. Technically, she didn't do anything wrong.

"I'm sorry, Sana-chan." She kissed the top of Sana's head. "I made coffee, because I can't sleep. I'm sorry if I left."

She noticed that one of Sana's hands was balled in a fist while clutching her shirt, making it wrinkled. It was probably to stop her from leaving. She took it, and kissed the knuckles, so that it would relax. "I'll stay here, until you wake up."

Her coffee completely forgotten, Dahyun closed her eyes, inhaling Sana's scent, trying to lull herself to sleep.


Sana's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and I was frozen when I saw how Dahyun's face was super close to mine. She has her hands holding my head as if protecting me, while I have my arms wrapped around her torso.

For a second, I was contemplating whether I should push her or not, but decided against it because memories of last night's shenanigans came back to haunt me. I literally forced her to sleep beside me, and even have the audacity to cry? I am beyond mortified!

But why does she smell so good?

I allowed myself to savor this moment, so instead of pulling away, I buried my face again on the crook of her neck. But then she moved and tightened her hug around my head while she moved her other hand, and rubbed my back. Is she awake this whole time?

I pretended that I'm sleeping again because I don't want to start my day being embarrassed, but then she said, "Good morning, Sana-chan. How are you feeling?"

I'm waiting for her to mock me or annoy me, but it didn't come. So I gently pulled away from her and looked at her. She still has both of her eyes closed. She looks tired.

"I'm sorry." I said embarrassed.

She opened her eyes, and looked at me, "What for?"

"You look tired."

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