[M] Stay?

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A/N: Don't we all become better versions of ourselves when we're loved? I hope everyone gets to have that chance.

Sana's POV

As unbelievable as it may seem, Dahyun and I rarely fought after that day. The only real thing that sparks an argument is when Dahyun shows her possessive side.

Typically I didn't let it bother me, because I understand that behind the tough-guy act was someone who needs constant reassurance.

The restaurant that we went to was a little busy tonight and upon noticing that a lot of people were staring at us, Dahyun was in full protective mode. I kind of expected that since this is how she normally behaves when we go out but even if I adore her this way, I think it's somehow unnecessary. There wasn't a thing — or a person — in the world who could take me away from her.

I chose to ignore her demeanor, as we pushed through the crowd.

"It's a good thing we always make reservations," I said as Dahyun pulled the chair for me.

Dahyun was only half listening as she was glaring at the people around us. She just gave me a hum in response while she fixated on something at the bar in the corner of the restaurant. I looked at where she's staring but I couldn't figure out what was holding her attention.

We settled in and the waiter provided the menu. Dahyun seems to be occupied by the food selection now, and I hope that whatever got her attention earlier had vanished. At one point she even grabbed my hand for a bit, running her thumb on the back of my hand.

Or so I thought, because when I looked up, Dahyun was staring behind me.

"Dahyun, what is going on? Is there a whole ass group of villains at my back that I'm not seeing?"

"Babe, no," she sighed. "It's just... there's this guy at the bar that keeps looking at you."

My jaw dropped. "That's what this is about? You're going to be distracted this whole dinner because you think some guy is looking at me?"

Dahyun's hard expression softened at what I said. I grabbed her hand across the table, trying to sooth her rising anger. "No— I'm.. I'm sorry, this is ridiculous."

"Yeah, it is. There is nothing worth ruining our night over, okay? You already have me, babe, I'm not going anywhere."

"Forever?" She smirked.

"Forever." I mumbled as I leaned across the table to give her a kiss she happily leaned into.


The dinner went well after Dahyun calmed down. We even flirted which felt magical, like we were some kind of lovestruck high school girls. The man at the bar had been completely forgotten by both of us.

After we finished the dessert, I had to run to the restroom. I insisted on going alone and she said that she'll wait for me at the table.

With a quick kiss, I departed from the table. And after I was done with my business and did some make-up retouching, I went out after recollecting my items.

I re-emerged from the restroom, and I saw that Dahyun was not at our table, so I fumbled for my phone, checking for her message when I slammed into something hard.

I instinctively covered my belly.

I was a bit dazed, and when I looked up, I thought that I bumped into a pole or wall, however I was met by a well-dressed guy that was standing uncomfortably close to me. He was smirking down at me, making me feel embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." I said, giving my most polite smile.

"It's okay sweetheart, it's all good." He smiled creepily and placed his hands on my arms. "Are you okay?"

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