[M] Something New

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M // Mentions of drugs

Momo's POV

I ended up staying with JB for three months now. But then, I started to feel like a burden, especially since I felt so much better now. He assured me that it's okay for me to stay, but I insisted that I go back to my place, because I need to learn to live on my own eventually. When I moved back into my house, JB, Wonpil and Taeyeon-unnie visited me and helped me redecorate just so it would not feel quite the same. And I was really grateful for that. It really made all the difference.

A lot of things have happened already, and now my birthday is coming up fast. JB planned a birthday party for me and I am not sure if I'm excited about it because there's a part of me that's dreading it. I went to shop for clothes because he told me to dress to kill and that he would just pick me up on the day itself.

The day of my birthday, I thought about the last time that I celebrated my birthday wrapped up with Dahyun at her place in New York City. It was the last trip that we had together as well. It was a good thing that we loved travelling because in that way, I don't really have to avoid a lot of places here in South Korea.

Stopping myself from remembering all of that, I took a deep breath as I waited for JB outside my house when he told me that he's minutes away from me. I am still unaware of the things that he planned for me tonight, but I guess, I'll just go with the flow.

If he invited his cousins again, then most probably, they'll set me up with someone, same as the last time that we were all together. I rolled my eyes at the thought as I saw JB pull up in front of my house. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the car, and when he stepped outside, he immediately hugged me.

"Happy birthday, Momo!"

I kissed his cheek and replied, "Thank you!"

He held onto me for a little bit longer than usual, rubbing his hand on my back. When he finally released me, I looked at him questioningly, but he just smiled at me.

He was talking animatedly as he drove towards the party location. And when we did arrive, it was a club. Just a regular club. And I was right, both Wonpil and Taeyeon-unnie were around and they immediately greeted me.

"Happy birthday, Momo," Unnie sang, and I wondered how much she'd had to drink already. "Let's go get you drunk and find someone for you to take home for the night!"

JB glared at her and I laughed. "Noooo! I'm just here to party. I shouldn't combine alcohol and sex, unnie!"

"Well, you should. I know that I most certainly will be!" She giggled.

They clearly had a lot of friends that they invited to the party, some of them I know, and others were strangers to me. JB and I went around to say hi to the guest as they told me their birthday wishes.

"This club just opened and my friend offered it to me. So I grabbed it." JB said proudly as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "You look really wonderful tonight. I'm really glad that you're starting to recover."

"Well, I have a few people who keep checking on me, and I want to be better, JB. I think that I'm almost there, really."

He laughed. "Then why did you turn Taeyeon-unnie's offer into getting you a hook up?"

But rather than snapping at him, I actually thought about his question. Should I be open to looking for something new? My doctor and I had talked about finding someone new, but I never got the courage to actually do it. And unnie offered just something for the night, and I'm not sure if I want to go down that route.

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