[TW][M] I Can't Lose You

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A/N: Some people say that two broken people make one. But the thing is, they are only whole when they're together.

Sana's POV

A little bundle of joy. A wrinkled face, pink cheeks and brown eyes that can barely look up at us. I was laying on the bed holding our child that's just a day old.

She's absolutely adorable and beautiful, and she is all mine. After months of worrying if this is what we truly wanted, in my arms is a mixture of Dahyun and I. I am a mother now. And I'll try my best to raise my child and see her grow throughout the years.

"You were so great, babe." Dahyun kissed my forehead. "She's so tiny." She remarks, looking at our baby.

"I know, I feel like we're going to break her."

"Nah, I think she has all the power to break us."

"Ahh, you're right."


The nurses were fantastic and helpful. And since I couldn't get out of bed, Dahyun was in charge of changing diapers right off the bat. I somehow felt bad that I couldn't pop out of bed and help her. And although the baby still stays in the nursery most of the time, I am frustrated that I can't hold her when she cries.

The next morning, Nayeon-unnie and Mina were with us, and Dahyun was working on getting me out of the bed to move around some more.

She held my hand as I steadied myself on the floor, taking my time.

To be honest, everything about this is terrifying but when I look at Dahyun and Yuri, I know that it really is worth it.

"How do you feel?" Dahyun asked.

"My body just needs a little adjusting and I still need some more assistance but other than that I feel good."

"Well, we're always here for you." My friends declared.

Soon enough their girlfriends arrived too, along with the arrival of our baby in the room.

Dahyun rushed towards the nurse to get Yuri and instantly boasted to her friends how beautiful our child is. This made my heart do cartwheels. I just feel how much she loves Yuri. Then she told them how she would check each and every person who will try to win our daughter's heart. Our friends just laughed at her resolve and said that once our daughters ask for us to accept her partner, then we won't have any choice but to accept.

We called my mom and I could hear the cheerfulness in her tone as she answered. And when we broke the news about me giving birth, she squealed and called my dad. We both could hear the heavy footsteps, indicating that my dad was hurrying towards my mom. There was a pronounced pause before dad was able to say anything, as I believe he is still trying to process the news about him being a grandfather.

Then my mom started crying, saying that she missed another important part of my life, but I assured her that it's fine and what's important is that we're both safe. We promised that we will bring Yuri to Japan, or they could come to Korea. My dad was now silently shedding some tears as well, but refused to admit it. While Obaasan was clapping when she saw our baby and demanded that we make another one. As if giving birth is such an easy task.

The doctors said that we still need to wait for a few more days for me to fully recover.


Dahyun's POV

I just stepped out for a bit because our friends are leaving.

But then when I got back, there was a commotion that startled me.

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