[TW][M] Dumb or Numb?

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Sana's POV

Dahyun said that she wanted us to visit the park, since it was her rest day and there are no other schedules for her. We also agreed that we would take turns in taking care of Yuri since I also want to work for myself.

Right now, Dahyun was sitting in the middle of the grassy area. A gentle breeze rolled through the open park which made her hair dance to it as she played with a four month old Yuri. Our baby could now sit when being supported and her giggles are more frequent.

So far, we have managed to keep our heads cool and our relationship happy within the said months. We barely fought and when we did, one look at our little one, and we would immediately reconcile.

I volunteered to buy ice cream for us since I wanted Dahyun to bond more with Yuri. She also seems a little mild now versus when we first met. Definitely more patient than before and more considerate.

When I looked around, everyone was looking at them, and she's completely unaware. From my point of view, I can see both of their side profiles as Dahyun tries to make our baby laugh by making funny faces, something that you would never expect from such a cold aura. A lot of her fans even try to sneak a photo of them, and I think Dahyun doesn't mind. She was even openly posting about us on her social media accounts. The contrast of her previous image and her image now was so far from each other, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only woman whose heart melts at the scene.

Before our marriage, Dahyun looked like lust and anger personified, but now that I get to know her better, she was quite possibly the sweetest and the most sensitive person on the planet. Well, when it comes to us. Nayeon said that she was still strict when it came to work related stuff. Her eyes, which I've always remembered to be so cold and calculating, now only give a warmth aura that looks like a thousand stars glittering within her eyes.

She was holding our child from under her armpit and trying to make her feet step on the grass which Yuri doesn't seem to like but was being distracted by Dahyun's funny face. So she was giggling but at the same time, her feet were up in the air not wanting to interact with the grass. Dahyun's lips curve into a sweet smile and I could clearly hear their laughter.

I approached them after I got the ice cream then I heard Yuri's high pitched giggles as Dahyun attacked her by kissing her tummy. Dahyun's eyes are almost closed as she continues to laugh with Yuri.

"Mama loves you, Yuri." She murmurs, shifting forward slightly so that their noses touch which made our little princess giggle once more before Dahyun pressed soft kisses against her cheeks.

I took my phone out, refusing to miss this moment. The quiet shutter took Dahyun's attention and she instantly smiled as she saw me. "Ohhh, mommy's here Yuri!" she said as she pointed at me.

Yuri wiggled her feet as if she wanted to run towards me which made me brighten up. It's only Dahyun's strong grip that prevented our daughter from escaping her hold. I immediately positioned myself beside them as I took out the ice cream as Dahyun placed our daughter on top of her legs.

"Thank you, babe." She said, referring to me volunteering to get ice creams.

I first took out a biscuit for little Yuri as we are now trying to introduce solid foods to her. Luckily she wasn't that interested in ice cream, and just reached for the biscuit after she saw me pulling it out from the bag. Dahyun took the food and opened it, and Yuri opened her mouth like a little bird waiting to be fed.

Looking at them, it made me feel so lucky. How could I end up having such a cute daughter and a loving wife? Definitely an upgrade to whatever I had with my past relationships. Although sometimes, I still feel that something's up with Dahyun, it's immediately being washed away by her sweetness and her desire to be a better person not only for us but for herself.

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