[M][TW] Too Late

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TW // Violence, Mention of Death

Sana's POV

It was three in the morning when I heard the little footsteps coming towards our room. Then a few moments later, the door opened and it showed a sleepy Yuri who was rubbing her eyes. She was clearly awoken by something, and it was a good thing that Yuri rarely cries anymore whenever she wakes up at night.

Dahyun had a hard time falling asleep because of all the crying, and she somehow gets nightmares every time she manages to doze off, so I hope that Yuri would not wake her up, as I gestured for our little girl to climb the bed.

When she did, she lifted Dahyun's hand that was placed on my waist and squeezed herself in between us. I held my breath, hoping that Dahyun would remain sleeping. And I released the breath that I held when Dahyun did not even stir. Yuri then faced Dahyun and snuggled close to her, placing her little arms on Dahyun's neck, which melted my heart.

There was a heart-rending thought that managed to slip inside of my head. It was the thought of Dahyun and Yuri being separated because of all that's happening right now. I don't think they can take it if they are separated from each other. And I sure hope that it won't ever happen. I watched as Dahyun finally fell asleep and seemed to be having no nightmares anymore. It was like they were the cure for each other.

I feel so stupid thinking that because Dahyun seems to be doing good, it must mean that whatever it is that's troubling her before was gone. How stupid. And now, I'm scared of what's going to happen in case JB files a case against Dahyun, or if JB dies, what would happen to my precious wife?

People might think that I am selfish for thinking like that, but if what Dahyun said is true, then maybe he deserves it? How could he do that to his own family?

No matter how much I think about it, there's no valid reason for killing someone, not unless you're literally defending yourself. But in Dahyun's mom's case, she was sleeping when it happened. How evil is that? I will definitely lose my mind if it happened to me.

No wonder it scarred Dahyun for life. No wonder she shuts everyone out of her life.

There are a lot of things that I really needed to think about and there's also a matter of enrolling Dahyun into anger management therapy or something like that, because this is not the first time that Dahyun snapped when she was angry. I remembered so many moments when she's jealous or angry that she almost always hurts the people around. And although it was never directed to me, I would not risk it this time. I would be a hypocrite if I say that I am not afraid of her, because I do, just like how I told her earlier. And I need to make sure that she won't do anything like this again, especially that we wanted Yuri to have a better experience than us.

This is not the time for me to succumb to fear. This is the time for me to be Dahyun's wife, and I will make sure that I will be there for her every step of the way.

We just need to do our best not to involve Yuri in this.

I took a deep breath and looked at my sleeping wife and kid. They are the source of my happiness, and no matter what people say, I will love them with all of my heart.

I kissed both of their foreheads, and whispered goodnight to them, as I wrapped my arms around them.

I will protect my family, just as much as Dahyun protects us.


When I woke up, Dahyun and Yuri were not beside me anymore, and I automatically looked for them.

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