The Minatozakis

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Sana's POV

We've been checking our things for a while now because in less than two hours, we'll be flying to Japan. It's been just a day after the wedding, and Dahyun insisted that we should go and visit my parents.


"Yours? Or Mine?" I asked.

"Check both, babe."


"It's here."


"In our bags."


"It's there, babe."

"I don't know what to check anymore, babe. Can't I just buy things there?" Dahyun grumbled.

"Babe, my parents are not living in the city."

She just stared at me in disbelief, while I checked and re-check both of our luggages. I am mentally panicking and I'm pretty sure it's not about the things that we're supposed to bring. My anxiety is killing me. What if my parents don't like Dahyun?

Dahyun pulled me by the waist and tucked the strands of my hair behind both of my ears. "Calm down, Sana. You won't be going to the end of the earth, we'll be going to your parent's house. And I'm pretty sure that we can still buy things there. I have prepared a car on our way there." She reassured me.

I'm not used to travelling. Heck, I'm not used to being anything. But right now, I guess, I need to learn how to really take care of another human being, given that we'll be three sooner than later. My mom's a perfect wife, she can clean, she can cook food that tasted so good, that my dad said that he doesn't want to eat at any fancy restaurant anymore.

I don't even have any idea how I was even married to the legendary Kim Dahyun right now. All my life, my goals were all just mediocre, and now that I'm suddenly married to this wonderful person, it was bumped up to the highest level. It was like anything under outstanding is not acceptable anymore.

During the previous month that we basically lived together, I can definitely say that she's a very endearing person. It was really enough to make me feel anxious and afraid of screwing everything up.

"Babe, I know that you can probably buy a whole country, but I just can't help it. My parents.. They are really conservative." I insisted as I checked Dahyun's chocopies in her bag. We must not forget the darn chocopies that she loves so much. This is probably the least that I can do, to make sure that she eats what she likes.

She stopped me from fidgeting and kissed my knuckles. "Babe, please stop worrying." Dahyun always loves kissing me to make me feel relaxed. She dragged me towards the car, and I realized how cold her normally warm hands are. She won't admit it, but she's definitely anxious about meeting my parents too.

We stopped by the car door and I cupped her face. "You know we don't really need to do this right now. I know that you're busy and you have other things to do. I can just tell my parents about us in a phone call." I rambled.

"Hey, don't be like that. I can feel the hurt in her voice. "I- I'm your wife now, and I want to meet your parents." She was never the one to tell exactly what she feels, but during moments like this, when she's choosing to be vulnerable, my heart just melts. "They're my family now too, you know."

It's not that I don't want Dahyun to meet my parents, it's just that I don't know how my parents would react, and with our lifestyle, I don't think Dahyun would fit in. And I also overheard Dahyun's father nagging her that she has a bunch of interviews and photoshoots, but she insisted that all of those can wait, and meeting my parents was long overdue.

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