[M] How Romantic

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Sana's POV

When I got home, I saw Mina's car outside my apartment.

She got out of her car as soon as she saw me, and approached me with a gentle smile, but she did a double-take when she saw my face.

"Why do you look like you're suspended again?" I just loudly sighed, as she hooked her arms on mine.

We continued walking until we reached my apartment door. And once we're inside, she asked, "Is this about Hanbin? Because you know I got your back, just say the word."

I smiled at her, while leaving my bag on the table and placing the food that I bought for dinner inside the refrigerator.

And while I appreciate Mina's help, it's not really necessary. But what caught my attention was the absence of pain when I heard Hanbin's name. I expected that I'd somehow still be hurting, but I felt nothing.

I don't know how to tell Mina about my situation, not that she would judge me, but because I don't know how to tell her about my slip-up. I trust them so much, but I don't know how they'll react, and it scares me. Not to mention, eventually I need to tell my parents about this.

Just two months ago, they were worried about me because of Hanbin, and now I'd tell them that I had sex with Dahyun the same day that Hanbin broke up with me. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

I zoned out, and then I realized that Mina was still talking about Hanbin, "Minari, I'm okay. I have already moved on from that douchebag." Plus there are things that I need to deal with right now. "I don't want him back in my life and I don't want to be in his."

"Are you sure?" Mina asked skeptically.

"One hundred percent!" Well that part was true, but I promise I'll tell you the whole story, I just need more time. Then I remembered that I haven't asked her why she's here. "Plus you and Nayeong both know that Hanbin and I were really a lost cause."

"Well, just know that whatever you decide to do after this, I'll always support you. As long as it will not hinder you from reaching your dreams." Looking at me straight in my eyes, as if reading my thoughts.

I swallowed hard, Mina sometimes says things that are actually close to reality, and it sometimes makes me wonder if she has super powers. "Thank you, Minari."

She then started to talk about Chaeyoung's recent shenanigans. Apparently, the duo, and I mean Chaeyoung and Dahyun got into a fight just after Dahyun arrived back in Korea.

Mina didn't go into details but she just let out her frustration about Chaeyoung's choice of best friend. I respect Mina's relationship with Chaeyoung, but sometimes I can't help but get worried especially when she's Dahyun's best friend. Who knows what those two do all the time. But Mina says that she has full trust in Chaeyoung and she was just hard headed but she never tried anything that would hurt her.

I sighed thinking about what Mina would feel when she learns that Dahyun will have a child with me. Not only will she need to tolerate Dahyun when she's with Chaeyoung, she might need to tolerate her too when it's about their kid.

Wait... Why am I thinking about this as if Dahyun would care about my child?

After she finished ranting, she lazily laid down on my couch while playing games. I excused myself to change my clothes. I also checked my phone for any messages, not that I expected someone would text me now. But to my surprise, there's a message from Dahyun just five minutes ago, asking to make Mina go away.

How did she know that Mina's here?

Another text came in, "Never mind, I'll make her go away. You're so slow."

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