[M] Upswing

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Sana's POV

[After Dahyun woke up]

If the miracle of Dahyun waking up was not enough, she was able to recover quickly after that. With more than just another month of recovery, she was able to go home with me and Yuri.

I couldn't help but stare at her sleeping figure for that past month. Sometimes, Dahyun catches me crying and I told her that I was so afraid that this is just a dream, that she might be taken away from me again, telling her how terrified I am to be all alone.

I also had a hard time letting her hand go. Even if she's eating, I want to hold her hand, and feel her squeeze mine. And Dahyun would insist on eating by herself, no matter how hard it is to navigate using only one hand.

"I can help you, babe." I offered.

"I can do this alone, babe. I can feed myself just fine. It would just be a lot easier, you know... if I could use both hands." she said, squeezing my fingers, though she didn't try to remove her hand from mine. And I squeezed back, refusing to let her hand go.

"Nope. Not a chance." I said, kissing her knuckles. "But I— I want to do something. I don't want to just sit here and do nothing. I want to help you."

She let the spoon go, and cupped my face using her free hand, "You are a big help to me. You are one of the reasons why I'm still fighting, why I woke up, and why I'm trying so hard to recover."

"I don't want to lose you ever again."

When I close my eyes, I'm always haunted by the cruel scene that I witnessed when we rescued them, and all Dahyun could do was to reassure me that she's here to stay— that I have her forever.

"You're not going to lose me, Sana. I'm yours. Infinitely yours— and you... you're mine. Babe; forever mine. I love you."

Those three last words were uttered with so much emotion, that I felt it vibrate through me. This person in front of me, my present and my future, the person gazing at me with endless affection. And I will trust her promise. By saying those three words, I know that I can count on her. Because Dahyun is a person of her word.


"Dahyun? Tell me again, what are we doing up this early..." I asked as I observed the still and dark atmosphere out of the window of her room, "at the crack of dawn?"

Normally, I would never question Dahyun. Even when she makes questionable decisions, or do stupid things, which acted contrary to her age. I trust her completely, and I trust her with my life. And yet, this morning or night, I was seriously questioning her sanity and mine for agreeing to wake up this early.

She barely just started to walk and now she was trying to put on her jacket on top of her hospital clothes.

"Just you wait, babe. I told you it's a surprise." she shushed me, excitedly tapping my arms. Not wanting to get up just yet, since it was four in the morning, I burrowed myself deeper into the warm sheets. "Babe, come on, get up! The surprise won't work if we are late." Dahyun whined.

"Five more minutes, babe. Please." I grumbled into the pillow. Smelling her scent on the pillow doesn't help, because I feel like I'm being lulled back to sleep because of the comfort it gives. I let myself go back to the dream world, where I am with the normal Dahyun who would wake up at normal times, and where we could go spend our day together with Yuri. But then Dahyun pulled me out of the dream world, tugging at the blanked while patting my leg. "Babe, come on."

I decided that I just need to face the chill of this early morning, because Dahyun will be sulking the whole day if I won't go to her 'surprise'. Throwing the blanket off, I gave the window a dirty look. But then when I saw how much Dahyun was beaming, all my coherent thoughts were thrown out. As if my lovely wife did not just wake me up in this ungodly hour. "I swear Kim Dahyun..." I mumbled to myself. Making my way hurriedly to brush my teeth and comb my hair.

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