Just Like That

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Sana's POV

It's been almost half an hour since I woke up, with Dahyun by my side hugging me while sleeping soundly.

I've been replaying what happened last night in my head and I don't know what to feel. Did I just let Dahyun seduce me? And I played right into her games.

But technically, we're allowed to do that, right?

I let her kiss me multiple times yesterday, did I not? Why am I panicking? We even took a bath together last night, which leads to another... you know. Why am I just asking myself these questions now?

Dahyun groaned, but she adjusted herself so that she had her face on my neck while she hugged me tightly.

"Babe." She muttered.

"Who's your babe?" I asked her.

"Sana, don't try that on me. It won't work." She slowly opened her eyes. "Why do you always try to set me up?" She whined but I couldn't detect any anger, but just amusement.

"I need to ask, maybe there are a lot of 'babe' in your life, you know." I explained, emphasizing on the word babe.

I felt something poking me by my legs, where...

I giggled, "Something's definitely awake."

"What? Oh." Dahyun just chuckled.

I turned to my side and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Good morning, babe." Then I buried my face on the crook of her neck.

"After that sweet good morning, you're getting shy?" She just chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Good morning too, babe."

"What are we, Dahyun?" This is the reason why I buried my face, because I might not ask this question if I'm looking at her face.

"What do you want us to be?" Dahyun gave the question back.

I pulled away and looked at her. "I'm asking you. I want to know what you want, Dahyun. I am not good at this game of yours."

"I don't know, Sana." She sighed.

I let her go, and sat up. "I understand." I forced a smile, and as I was about to stand up, she said.

"Last night was... it was the best. But that's what I'm good at. Sex. I don't think I'm a good person to have you all to myself." She sat up too and held my hand. "Right now, I'm trying my best to be good enough for you too, but that doesn't mean that I'm right for you. I don't really know what to do with myself, Sana."

I was speechless. That's what she's thinking? She thinks that she's not good enough for me?

"Is it okay if... I don't know, you test me out first? I mean, if by the end of the year, or after the baby is born and you still want to.. You know, be with me? Then we can try?"

"How about our rules?"

"What about it?" She asked confusedly.

"Does it still stand?"

"Well, mine does."

Right. I'm the one who has problematic rules. I guess, I'd just have to see if she would really pull through.

"I'm sorry. I know that we've already established everything before I accepted your proposal, it's just that these couple of days, I am very emotional and I don't know, everything just feels different now." I admitted.

"You're not the only one who feels like that, babe. But like I've said, we'll get through this together, right?" She asked, worried evident on her face.

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