[M] [TW] Broken Hearts and Bodies

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Third Person's POV

[Two days before the incident]

"...and they lived happily ever after."

Dahyun is unsure why her daughter suddenly wanted to hear about Beauty and the Beast again tonight.

Yuri snuggled back against her Mama's chest. "I wish I could be someone's Prince Charming."

The voice rumbled under her cheek as Dahyun closed the book she's reading from. "Why do you want that, Yuri?"

Her child sat up and spoke, looking earnestly into her eyes. "Because I want to give my princess a wish that would eventually come true."

Dahyun frowned, "You don't want to have a wish on your own?"

Yuri shook her little cute head, "No. I want to be at the end."

Dahyun was confused about where this is all going. Her daughter is too smart for her and sometimes she gets lost in whatever she has to say. Probably because her vocabulary is not that advanced yet, but she is somehow able to explain her side. "Care to explain more?"

"Princesses need their prince to have wishes."

"Is that so? So, you think they would get their wish because of you?"

"No." Yuri crossed her hands in front of her chest as if she's disappointed with where the topic is going, which made Dahyun chuckle because of her daughter's cuteness. "I mean, I want to be there when they get their wish and help them get it."

"Well, in Beauty and the Beast, the prince is the one who benefits in the wish, right?"

Yuri seems to be in deep thought because of that, "But I don't want to be in danger for the princess to have her wish."

"What do you mean?"

Yuri frowned, "The beast was hurt, so her princess wished that he should be saved."

Dahyun looked thoughtful, "People can't help but get hurt sometimes, baby. That's part of life."

"I don't like that." Yuri said.

"I don't like that too, baby." Dahyun saw Sana looking at them adoringly as they lounged inside Yuri's room, and she gestured that she'll follow her wife soon. Sana already said her goodnights to Yuri earlier but the latter insisted that Dahyun read her another story.

"Baby, we need to sleep soon."

"Do we really have to sleep now?" Yuri pouted.

"Yes, baby. We do." Dahyun said as she kissed the top of Yuri's head.

"Can we play some more before we sleep?"

"Of course, honey. Or do you want to maybe watch the Beauty and the Beast movie?"


After Dahyun played the movie, Yuri placed herself inside Dahyun's arms. And she can't help but think how clingy her daughter is, and was reminded of how she was when she's with her mom.

Then suddenly, Yuri asked, "Mama, is the beast a bad person?"

"At first, yes. I suppose he is. He was selfish and unkind, but then when he met Belle, and fell in love with her, he had a change of heart."

"He can do that? Change his heart?"

Dahyun chuckled, "Well, not literally. It means that you changed your attitude in life. In a way, it's like you change what your heart wants."

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