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Sana's POV

Is this some sort of a nightmare loop?

For a while there was peace. And I thought that finally, we were able to get the peace and quiet that we all deserve but then I just saw Hanbin full of blood due to his injuries. And then I saw Yuri calling Dahyun but when my wife picked up the phone, I could see that all of her blood was drained from her face.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

Momo was looking at Dahyun and at me, also confused by Dahyun's reaction.

"I need to go." Dahyun said to me as she removed her hold on me, and tried to walk away.

"Dahyun! Stop! Talk to me!" I managed to grab her arms and I thought that she would push me away, but she just broke down and knelt on the floor. "Are you in pain? Do you want me to call—"

"No! I need to go! I need to save our child!"

I felt myself get numb.


Dahyun's eyes are full of tears now and she looked at me. These tears are so much more different than the ones that I saw last night. It was like she's being burned alive and forced to contain her agony. Her lips were quivering, when she said, "Yuri... our Yuri was kidnapped."

I felt both of my hands fall on my sides. All energy drained from me. I must've looked the same as how Dahyun looked just a minute ago. But it felt like my heart was yanked out of my chest abruptly, and I'm dead, but not really.

"Is this a joke? Because if it is— I swear—"

Dahyun suddenly hugged me tightly, "I promise to bring her back no matter what." She pulled away and looked straight into my eyes. "I love you so much, Kim Sana. Just remember that. I will bring her back to you."

That was the last thing that she said before kissing my forehead. Then she stood up and walked away from me.

And this time, I was unable to stop her.

I don't know how long I was on the floor until Momo pulled me up to hug me. I thought that she had already walked away too.

Then I started to cry.

I just can't understand why this is happening.

But everything's real. My baby... where is my baby?!

I hold onto her as if my life depended on it, and it probably does, because I think that anytime now, my heart would give way and I'll just drop dead.

"I need— I need to go too." I told her mechanically. "I just can't wait here... not when both my wife and my child are in danger." I struggled to stand up and Momo helped me.

She did not say anything, but I can also see tears streaming down her cheeks.

I know deep down, she understands what I'm going through.

She helped me walk to the entrance of the hospital. I don't know where I would go, and I don't know where to follow Dahyun, but I just need to do something or I—


It was Nayeon who called me, who was hugging Mina, if I'm not mistaken.

She looked at me and at Momo who is beside me, as if we are the bestest of friends, but that's not what's important now.

I looked at Nayeon and Mina's back and something clicked in me. I remembered that I left Yuri to Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon's care.

"Why are you here?" I asked them as I walked over to them slowly, checking on my step, because I feel like anytime now, I'll collapse. When I reached them, I realized that Mina was sobbing uncontrollably.

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